Healthy Relationship Edition

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pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Live Streams:

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>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:



Attached: cvdfg.png (750x788, 516.98K)

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you sold the top user didn't you?

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you are ready for the nuke user yes? you are still shorting right?

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The next 3 month candle will be a bloodbath. Stay safe anons, don't get baited into longs.

what am I looking at?

a shitcoin chart that's about to correct

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what script is that?

a script that made me sold tops and buy bottoms user. I'll give it to you for 30k USDC

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Moo moo moo
*shakes ass*
moo moo moo
*struts left & right*
I'm h*ckin bullish
and I say
moo moo moo
*epic finish*

just looks like some bolinger bands (1 and 2 standard devs) and parabolic sar?

correct me if im wrong ta fags

do I really need to be a fucking millionaire first to wake up next to a woman like this?

Attached: 1659970586521261.webm (492x875, 2.82M)

Hard to draw any conclusions from it without knowing what it's based on.

just go find a light skinned latina in south america or eastern europe

You are worthy of love user

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Should i short GME?

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yeah fair enough, not looking to sell it anyways am just memeing, stay safe and short every fucking bounce

believe it or not but most people browsing Any Forums have unlikable personalities and that's the main reason they don't get a woman

I wouldnt even date myself if I was a woman desu

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I’m having recurring dreams about my middle school girlfriend. That was 12 years ago. God, she probably forgot that I even exist. I’m so lonely.

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Incorrect, w*men just think too highly of themselves and ruined human relationships after we gave them rights, and most of us are too high IQ to settle for 30-something used goods

archive .ph/MzAuJ
Sep. 03, 2022 5:02 AM ET
>Party City at 2x FY2021 operating income and $200 million market cap is priced like future bankruptcy is likely.
>Party City has a confluence of factors that makes it compelling as a trade, especially Halloween being soon.
>The fundamental thesis provides margin of safety for a near-term trade and target of 50% upside.
>We should also note that Party City’s largest shareholder, hedge fund CAS Investment Partners added to its holdings at above $6 earlier this year.
>I view Party City to be most interesting as a near-term trade for a significant potential return in the lead up to Halloween.
>a lingering concern that its largest shareholder – CAS Investment Partners - might need to sell its stake amidst the fund’s decline this year should have lifted amidst a rebound in its top positions
>Party City does not face any major debt repayment soon. It has a senior note due in 2023 with a carrying amount of $22.779 million which is not sizeable, whilst its next major debt repayment is due in 2025 ($206 million).
>its next major debt repayment is due in 2025 ($206 million).
>Risk Factors: Any negative news on Halloween consumer trends, retail peer performance or company updates may sour the Halloween trade thesis. Further, the continuing market sell-off is not conducive for Party City stock and it cannot be expected to defy a negative broader market trend.

Attached: partycity.png (1182x636, 1.15M)

Face it, rechargeable batteries are garbage in all but name. Disposable batteries are the answer. Electric cars will run on disposable batteries. Mobile phones will run on disposable batteries. We will get rid of laptops and go back to towers.

Battery companies are for shorting. Where will they get all the lithium? They won’t. They’re going to zero.

Battery stocks are scams.

alright lil buddy

Dumb frogposter

What stocks are you guys going to buy at a discount? For me it's Wen because wendys has the best burgers in the stock exchange. Also fuck rocker

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I know how you feel
I guess people like us are just meant to be alone (see you in three days we're getting banned)

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if you want a change, its time to start user, cause in a few years of doing the same thing, you'll wish you started today

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I already turned my life around and improoooved
Got a well respected job, live in a nice apartment, got fit but you cant outlift 20+ years of severe autism. thanks for your words though

How do I make money in this market? My wife is about to divorce me and I need to prove to her that it's worthwhile to keep me around.

Very hard to figure out where to begin, especially as the body ages and simply lifting and running risks exacerbating injuries.

I think I may have to start with career-oriented education. Cybersecurity, coding, or data science?

one picture of a Womyn and you all turn into sappy losers. I thought this was the Chad General

kek it's saturday, a long weekend, and most people lost money

I'm a selfish cunt in all honesty. I also cannot tolerate the personality of the modern woman. Often times at work when my crack whore employee at work is talking to me a simply walk away mid sentence. There is a reason I went 2d. At least Miko is cute and funny.

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>you all
Im too numb to care about it.

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