BTC maxis always say that btc is tokenized energy
But why isn't BTC price mooning along with energy prices?
BTC maxis always say that btc is tokenized energy
Every single BTC narrative has failed
Hold my bagel
The Inflation hedge was the big thing
But they have one narrative left, the 4 year pump and dump
Exactly what killed the Inflation hedge since people sold because of the time from the halfing
because the people who advanced that claim were "clever" idiots. energy is energy. the world is discovering this fact the hard way.
>But why isn't BTC price mooning along with energy prices?
Because hashrate has moved to places with cheaper energy and left europe.
BTC price in euros should moon if btc is tokenized energy we will see the nexty 500 days what happens.
Because those people were just making shit up
It sucks how the internet means these people can mostly just disappear instead of being laughed at and ridiculed forever
If this was true, Bitcoin would be worthless right now.
Instead its worth tens of thousands of dollars, per coin.
Right now dxy is going up which means everything is forced to go down in price worldwide for the most part.
If in two years btc appreciates more in euro terms than in usd terms by a large margin then they will be proven correct.
threads like these make me consider selling my bitcoin and buy physical gold
same user
You sound like an "idiot" idiot.
Why are people pretending they "might be proven correct"? The claim is nonsensical.
>BTC maxis always say that btc is tokenized energy
Because thats fake and does not have a shred of truth to it. Its delusional shilling to get you enamored. And it seems to be working.
wouldn't miners have to sell btc to cover rising energy prices?
DXY has gone up, it's topped. Anyways way to move the goalposts. Showing some correlation in this one instance is not "proving that BTC is tokenized energy". It's a spent energy receipt with massive volatility and it's price action correlates primarily to central bank monetary policy.
>miners opting out
>a good thing
Energy goes into BTC but doesn't come out.
because they werent real maxis. btc is an inflation hedge, a centralization hedge, and overall the most powerful way to store wealth our species has.
Inflation hedge will not become apparent until btc is completely mined, and adoption has topped out.
Centralization hedge has always been a factor. i expect this to become more apparent over time also
powerful store of wealth has been true since inception. those who use btc to store their wealth are more powerful and more free than those who choose not to. this is apparent from the early adopters. this will become apparent from the adopters today in 30 years.
Has 'decentralized p2p cash' failed? And yes I'm serious, don't laugh please. Everything else aside from that has been made up.