Give me hard evidence that LUNC will burn.
Give me hard evidence that LUNC will burn
>smelling up the plane with seafood
>probably going to need to take a fat dump while on the plan making it even more stinky
>the smug in this pic
>cheeze its
It's very hard to not hate black people sometimes
did they bring this on the plane with them?
Didn't know Economy served lobster lol
name a worse food to eat on an airplane
>name a worse food to eat on an airplane
Part of being a man is knowing when to roll the dice, take a chance on an opportunity. High status men like myself were born with this instinct, all luna classic owners were. The cream rises to the top, I sure hope youre not lactose intolerant.
based and brosnanpilled user. wagmi.
$5 eoy
Y'all. Why all dis hate? She a BLACK sista who made it in lyfe. Genaratin afta genaratin of bein hel down by wt and look at huh. She livin it UP! Got dat see foo, sipin on what i can only assume ih da besss champayne she prolly got rihh by tradin dem AMC and dat GAMESTOCKS an all u wyte peepo can do ih hate on us and ooh OOOH EEEE EEE OOO OOH AAHH AAAAAH EEEEE EEEE EEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AHHHHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHH GIB ME DAT OOOOOH OOOOOH EEEEE EEE AHH AHH AHH
she be libbin in abundanse
They have a high percentage of complete assholes with 0 empathy
Heretic! Shouldn't our pious BABOONA chants be proof enough?
checked yet again
I can smell the image
I wouldn't have said it better my friend.
This has got to the most inconsiderate thing I've seen done on an airplane.
Can you imagine being sat next to them smacking their lips and reeking of nigger and old seafood when you get off the plane ride from hell?
Chips or anything in a loud package. Fuck you loud eating uncouth niggers
Holy checked.
She. libbin. her. bes. lyfe.
>Top exchanges, Kucoin, Cryptocom, Bybit, FTX, Kraken, Poloniex, Huobi and Binance, have noted that they would support the upgrade. Thus, deposits and withdrawals will be suspended during the upgrade.
isn't this basically proof?
Yes, that's what op requested, and I provided.
Why are niggers obsessed with Seafood boils?
I swear down steak is a white person thing, and seafood boils are the nigger equivalent. It's so prevalent that it has to be genetic.