Why does the free market always converge nations towards 0 birth rate?
Why does the free market always converge nations towards 0 birth rate?
female "Education"
>Why does the free market always converge nations towards 0 birth rate?
Yes, because this was caused by the free market.
people can't afford to start families because central banks are constantly debasing the money
don't all old asian ladies want grandkids? What going on over in korea?
they have the smallest penis by country
How do we apply this phenomenon to India and Africa?
good, less of these repulsive chinks is always a good thing
we're superior to them
t. korean
India birthrates have fallen below replacement. Africa's too will soon
our modern society is unnatural
nature always wins
in equilibrium, production rises to the level where revenue is even with cost
Asians for some reason would rather look at loli shit and anime/manga then have sex, what the fuck is wrong with asians??
Because making babies isn't not short term profitable.
The markets surreptitiously outsource birthing to hive states.
>is dirty
that's the appeal
(immigration is just outsourcing birthing)
Profit is the main metric, analyze the world through the lenses of a minmaxxer without any morals.
I blame the fact that Korean women would rather fantasize about sleeping with white men than marry a Korean man.
no you are not, chinkoid, you are just as dumb, uncreative and parasitic
only good thing of your insect race are the sex slaves you produce for me (your women)
Feminism and Socialism cause declining birth rates, OP. Both have been on the rise for the last century.
Let's actually try having a free market before we bash the concept.
Japan and Korea should take in Ukrainian refugees
One child policy?
free market??
The industrial revolution (and its consequences).
Ya i get it ive seen the images the memes the everything, i just will never fully understand as i never lived in japan or korea. There's something fundamentally wrong with many asian countries. Atleast in the west people are just not having kids because they're on birth control and shit, they're still fucking a ton, just choosing not to pop babies out.
The market isn't free for one. And two I don't think that has to do with the free market specifically.
mandatory vaccines
male virginity in the west is increasing . specifically america
>when you take "imagine the smell" meme too literally
idk why you are so hung up on the details when the end result is the same. human society quite simply is blocked from going past a certain point in "advancement". its the natural way you can call it the great filter
It's sad cause it just breeds a bunch of disenfranchised men who feel abandoned and let down by society.
I'm not hung up on anything, we're in a thread discussing low fertility rates, so i'm discussing it.
Look at the fertility rate of socialist economies and ask yourself that again. If you want people to make babies you need to give them hope in the future and the conditions where it's actually possible to have a family.
It's unironically urbanisation and the associated cost of space. There are huge divides in the birth rate across Sub-Saharan African states from areas approaching European-tier in the cities to Nigeria being rapidly Islamised by baby-making in the north.
India is already undergoing a population collapse that is exacerbated by the gender divide and women approaching the level of health and accessibility where westerners start to notice them.
If anything inflation correlates with high-birth rates.