/tlcg/ LUNC Terra Luna Classic General - Comfy Times Ahead


Listen once per day:

How to STAKE for newfags

>download terra station on your phone
>create a new wallet
>go to settings and switch network to classic
>withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!)
>once you receive your coins go to stake screen
>choose a validator and delegate to them
>withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins

it's literally that easy.

>helpful links

>Worm hole for Wluna
>Staking rewards calculator
>Terra Shuttle sun setting video
youtu.be/HMVLiZpbpeo [Open] [Open]
>HCC video on delegations
youtu.be/EtrHi-kuDsc [Open] [Open]
>HCC video on changing coin rewards
youtu.be/TZFqryj4ee8 [Open] [Open]
>Learn to stake on Terra Station

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$5 EOY

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bussin playbois fr fr no cap


You have been visited by the Jajaja Man of profit and gains. Green candles and $1 LUNC will come to you, but only if you reply with "Bless me Jajaja Man"

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In before jeets

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obligatory stack report, green id & dubs.

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First for Jin Chan

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is .00023 the new floor luncsisters?

Everyone post tax evasion strategies used in your country so other Anons can help report them to the local authorities when we make it.

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Bless me jajaja man

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This man is glowing. Careful with this one, LUNChads.

WAGMI and the fud will rope. Mark my fucking words.

luna cisters i got 5 million lunc sitting on an exchange should i put it in the wallet and stake it?

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You fucking faggot. I'm paying taxes but if people find a way not to, more money to them, goy-kike.

More like 25

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dang I was hoping to pick up more cheapies this weekend :-(

That's a negative this is the new floor.

It won't get cheaper because we're getting close to the burn event

Is this shit real that it gets to 1$ or are people just delusional? Have hefty bags but I don't see where the money should come from to let this thing moon. Isn't market cap already extremely high? Please non delusional answers.

People like you with heavy bags will sell early. Reddit will buy your bags. CZ will burn about half his stack etc etc

>Isn't market cap already extremely high?
current mcap is about 1/20 of the ath mcap