They just look sooo similar...
I can't decide who is the bigger faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
The ripple dude for sure.
Still nowhere near as faggoty as you user.
everyone relax, we just found the ADA dick sucker.
You would know all about dick sucking wouldn't you, faggot!
does it matter?
wow, you really got fucked hard by Charles, didn't you? feels bad man.
charles is a LARPer
garlinghouse is a bootlicker
they're different types of faggots
i can’t believe you’re blaspheming chad garlichouse
what a dreamboat
Bought for less than a penny and now massively up.
Yeah, I'm sore and bitter.
Fucking idiot.
kek, if that was true you wouldn't be so bitter and angry..
Yeah, pointing out they made me lots of money and they're less homo than you means I'm bitter and angry
What a fucking retard you are.
>Bought for less than a penny
>all time low 0.018¢
God, you are so easy.
Bet Charles thought the same thing.
> 'Hur, dur, atl was over a cent!'
> Doesn't know pre-sale price was around 0.002 cents
My god you're an idiot.
You just keep on digging that hole deeper, don't you? Do you even know what the minimum buy was for presale? No, because you didn't do it. Please stop now, all you're accomplishing here is reinforcing everyones perception of the average ADA bagholder.
Kyle Broflovski cut his hair.
> 'Hur, dur, I'm a poor-fag who's getting shown up so I'm going to assume you're a poor-fag too and chat shit to cover my embarrassing faggot posting.
Get rekt, poor faggot.
The work of a priest is to kill even his own brothers and sons and neighbors when they rebel against the Lord. This is the #1 qualification for a priest.
Brad Garlinghouse is a chad
How are you going to fit all these posts in your cringe collection bro?
Think of the logistics...
>keeps on insisting that he's not angry
>somehow got in on the presale even though he lives in the US
>bought ADA at presale 7 years ago but still has to come on a mongolian crawfish image posting board to defend his man crush.
>retard thinks I'm American
>posts a load of cope
Hahahaha. Seethe more, fag