It's over

>started my first job at 27
>Thought my real life would begin once I got my first job
>The right time to make it was during my masters degree
>Now I'm just a (wage)slave
>Should have realized that my real life began when I started university

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Your real life will begin once you take the NEETpill.

Your real life was over post 25

We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one.

Who here endlessly delaying finishing uni so he doesn't have to deal with any real actual responsibilities?
Asking for a distant friend of course h-haha

If you think "real life" begins in ANY university, you're an idiot.

It's in university where most of the people who made it, started their startups

The biggest redpill for all the 22-39yo dudes on Any Forums crying that their life is over is that you still have another few decades to fall into total despair as your body breaks down from old age. So while you cry about 'wasting your youth' and 'not getting a qt gf in middleschool' you're quite literally wasting your prime.

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Any Forums needs more posts like this, less pill bullshit

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Did you really not work any job at all the entire time you were in high school or college? I’ve had at least a part time job since I was 16

Is this water fucked up?

this OP
figure it out

retarded normie hour kys

What is there to despair? He is 27 and has a master's degree. He is in the prime years of adult maturity, physical vigor and vitality, and intellectual capability, Moreover, everyone who doesn't own a business works for a wage. So the obvious thing to do is to just start a business immediately. There is nothing at all to despair about, especially not right now.

bullshit. that's just the outliers you've heard about in the tech world exactly because they ARE outliers. most startups do NOT start in a college. that's asinine to even say.

Yea I don't understand. I'm 29 and I'm more fit than I've been in my entire life. I wake up, have a cup of coffee, walk five miles then come home to my home gym and do my morning routine. Then it's 5 hours at my self-employed business before I play vidya.

If you think your life is over late 20s, you should just kill yourself now to get it over with.

Tranime faggot. You want us to settle for you.

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It's increasingly difficult for a young person to find anything that feels meaningful, especially if they faltered early on in education or work experience, which itself is increasingly common and that's a simple fact of reality and of this particular time and place that the older generations and their psychoanalysts do not and never will understand. This civilization has not only abandoned its people but actually seeks to trap and exploit them.

I am. 30 about to finish my masters and then gonna go into a Ph.D

After I got out of the military and later left government service completely; I worked retail. I actually liked the honest work aspect of stocking shelves and checking inventories, etc. It was always manual labor and I was good at it, able to consistently stock 60 cases an hours which was purportedly the desired standard - I'd always do my best to exceed it as well. Over a period of 10 years - the work culture changed - I started being in a small minority of workers putting in the effort and meeting goals. Eventually it was just me in a Frozen Foods section by myself with 600-750 cases 4 times a week. I plodded along and gave it my best for 8 months. The covid bullshit was going on - no one was interested in working frozen, despite promises from management that I'd get a team member as soon as they could find one. I quit a couple months later - all my hard work was always being soaked up like a sponge, it was mentally worse in some ways compared to the cold and constantly growing pallets. (despite that, my department was only dept that was exceeding sales)
I don't like being a quitter but I value my well being more than my pride. I will never embrace mediocrity but the world that raised my generation appears to be dead/dying.