>> be me finish college bachelor in IT. Linux expertise and programming, Belgium
>> Take job, 1600 NET + company slave car. don't use it much beyond driving to the cage.
>> 2 years in, no rage. soul is destroyed. hate computing now. hate pajeets with shitty java apps.
>> QUIT, take operatinos engineer job 1900 NET no company car but closer to home.. still need to drive. they promised raises or company car later.
>> One year in my old shitbox i lend from my dad breaks down , evaluation time, get no raise, no car start slacking on purpose
>> GET FIRED and am fed up. the corporate world is a joke. fuck wageslaving.
>> Go on neetbux for a year NICE, invest into bitcoin.
>> work 1 year in an office stacy job filling excel sheets. get bored, fuck this b.s
>> QUIT. I had enough. my portfolio hit $450k at the top
>> Go travel spend half a year in different countries with airbnb, haven't worked the past year,
>> My portfolio dropped a lot but, I had such a good time and I hate the cage.
>> I don't want to go back bros. I don't ever want to go back
>> considering fleeing to South America you can live well there for 5k / year but its a risk when you have cryptos and are white.
>> I can't go back bros. I don't ever want to go back in the cage.
>> I workout, meditate and feed myself well and can do whatever I want. but I fear that it might end in ~ 10 years and I never want to go back in the cage.
>> considering quitting society completely and going monk mode traveler for the next 30 years, i'll be 60 then. wtf.


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and yes I still live with my dad in his mansion cause fuck paying the rent jew.

>bachelor in IT. Linux expertise and programming
>1600 NET
>1900 NET

Holy shit I thought Europe was collapsing but it seems there is nothing to collapse, average retail wagies make more than an IT grad in Belgium, I literally earned more than that delivering pizzas in college 10 years ago

Belgium is a toilet.

yes. a few years into the corporate world and I understood very well that the tax rates here meant I would never truly make it. it doesn't matter what job you have. taxes will equalize you. and you end up earning only slightly more than the guy working the conveyer belt in the factory. its fucking stupid. working here is not worth it. after like 10 years or 15 years you get a good wage. wel FUCK THAT. fuck CAREERS fuck it all i'll neet until it collapses.

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they give them a fair wage, IT does nothing
amerimutts will collapse because the system is retarded, some retard posting 10 lines of code a week earns half a million a year

Then dont go back fren. We have been indoctrinated that the only way to live is under their control which is bullshit. Just stake some of what you have left for passive income and by the time the bull run comes put some of that into stable coins and stake again. Crypto is the future whether they like it or not. Just live frugally and dont ever go back. Nfa

Feel you, I left Belgium but I was making good money (10k a month gross, 7k net considering I was using foreign companies), it doesn’t matter how much you make, the cagie wrecks your soul
Now I’m in Philippines being eaten alive by insects and it’s still more comfy than being in an office
Went from 2.2M to 600k
Considering I spend less than 2k a month it’s gonna take decades to finish my stack before I run out of money, and if in the next 3/4y the bull comes back, well…
But I’m still trying to start two software companies with some ex wagies like me, we just gotta find the right wave

i spend 2k but I’m feeding 6 people (2 kids, wife, grandparents)
My burning rate in EU was too high

I made it, NEET and travel now but depressed as fuck. Started studying so I can apply for jobs in the next few months. I'll probably still be depressed, but I need structure in my life. Inb4 NPC

600k in Philippines?? You're living like a king I'm guessing. That's one of the country in planning to retire. Friendly people I heard.

go to eastern europe then safer than south america and still cheap


Not that great to be honest, it’s still a very poor country and you need to get used to a lot of shit, but my wife is from here and we bought a house a couple of years ago, so we are staying here for now until the situation in EU will get better
Never stop doing what you like or learning something new, if you stop using your brain it’s gonna rot within 2/3 months

Litteral definition of a slave sorry fags.
>self employed

any anons from chile here?
I'd like to know what it's like in southern chile?
it's easier for me to learn spanish than to learn a eastern european language

i have become the neet after my dreams became shattered in the corrporate world.

>butter soft bitch

>be me
>drop out of uni at age 21
>on neetbux/autismbux ever since
>now 31

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I don't care what you say. go sit in your office cage 5 days out of 7 during your best years. I'll do the opposite. Muh soft muh bitch. I probably still have more wealth than you. i'll go workout, meditate, learn esoteric things, praise God. meet foreign girls in AirBnbs for the next 10 years. you can go sit in the cage. have fun. good luck. CEO shekelstein thanks you for his new boat.

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