Prepare for a global depression that has cascading effects all around the world

Prepare for a global depression that has cascading effects all around the world.

That's all I'm going to say. Things are about to get freaky.

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It's over

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stock up on non perishable foods, water, ammo, gas, yes?

Brit loser lmao. They asked for it desu.

Better get stocked before everything is out of stock.

I'm going to go to Costco today to bulk buy essentials before all the normies catch wind.

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all of that is nonessential business anyway.
they can die off and nothing really changes.

what this guy doesn't realise is that everyone else's bills will be going up as well, they won't be going to restaurants in the first place. his monthly income will plummet while his bills skyrocket.

but at least he can pretend he's owning putin

yeah, they should depend on government handouts and big corporations to provide for them

what kind of psychotic retard reads the OP pic and says this lmao

they should take the vaccines and expire.

get some perspective, dipshit

Brits are completely cucked and are begging to freeze to death and destroy their economy so they can stick it to "putler" unfortunately Putin has outmanoeuvred all of Europe not just the uk

Start working on your freedom smile boys.

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This. They should unironically just have let Russia take all of Eastern Europe, shifting the global world order. They'd be better off under a Russian sphere of influence than American globohomo. You reap what you sow, brit and euro cels

93p per kwh jesus

noob should have fixed his rates earlier (and if he did but now its expired) gg just shut down and come back in 1-2 years

if you think the british government, monarchy, or twitter represents the average british person you're unbelievably retarded

My country benefits from this along with Russia and Ch*na.

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At least our next PM will be a woman, surely she will fix all these problems.


>delusional westerner imagined he buy real energy with fake imaginary money
Faggots could have printed 20% of money supply and smooth sail through everything with single digit inflation that would burden the plebs but not break their backs.
Greed and hubris led them to print 100% or more of the money supply and now collapse is inevitable.

the perspective is we dont need these useless eaters with their useless business.
time for them to take the booster and die off. its better for everyone that way.

token not needed

bullish for stocks and the gdp, more people paying more for electricity means they will be forced to be more productive and increase output. buy buy buy!

Appeasement would have worked

>suicide thousands of russians to capture a tiny strip of land
honestly pathetic. I'd respect it if he actually succeeded but Putin fucked up big time

>There will be a fascist uprising in Great Britain in your lifetime.
In this moment I am euphoric.

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