RC didn't rug BBBY lmfao. why on earth would GME withdraw its S&P credit rating if nothing interesting is going to happen? RC is obviously interested in buybuy baby if you read his letter to the BBBY board and he has left various hints on twitter including some recently decoded tweets like the googly eyes tweet with disguised face emoji (babby chair behind him), time for pillow fights and 60s music (bye, bye, baby), i have a small wee wee, BEDTIME stories by dr ruth. BBBY still has the agreement in place with RC and are implementing his suggestions. they're using jefferies for their share offering of up to 12M shares, same as GME when they sold 3.5M+5M shares. the time frame of when they will sell shares isn't specified, they will probably wait for it to squeeze. BBBY stated that BABY would bring most value as part of their portfolio "at this time" meaning that it could still be sold at a later date or BBBY in its entirety could be acquired or merged with GME. there's rumors of BBBY warehouses being renovated like would be done in preparation for an acquisition. GME is now all of a sudden investing more heavily in retail and raising retail workers wages. GME's amazon-sized warehouses could be used in synergy with BBBY or BABY. larry cheng has posted a bunch of tweets since march that could be interpreted as referring to BBBY. is it all a cohencidence?


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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off shizo, just leave me and my 60% loss alone


I thought jews didn't work on Saturday.

Imagine falling for the same trick over and over. You deserve what you get.

Long ago shizo's use to be called shamans.

Ole great BBBY shaman, how much longer do I have to bag hold before the squeeze happens? Do you know a time frame? Is it 2 more weeks?

Kek baggies. I fucking told you and you all sneered at me. Get fucked

What makes you think the merger couldn't be with IMX or Loopring? Loopring holds THE PATENT for stock markets on the blockchain. If they bought out/merged with Loopring, they'd own the world. Gamers will literally own this planet.

so is this board eventually going to end up as all baggot generals? Will we need a /bizg/ like when vg was spun off v?


>so is this board eventually going to end up as all baggot generals
Pretty much. Who else would bother?

jannies clean this shit up, it's over

Let me tell you something, short seller. Are you a communist? You sure as hell smell like one. Could smell them a mile away in ‘nam. There is nothing more patriotic than going to the beach. What do you need when you go to the beach? You need a fucking towel. Where you get them? Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It’s an American institution. Fine collection of towels. Make sure you also get a high thread count so you don’t rip your asshole while drying. Also, they sell bidets. Let me tell you something about bidets - most Americans have smelly buttholes. You want to make sure you wash your asshole clean, and then use that towel you bought for your butthole. Oh yea, they sell soaps as well. You gonna have to soap yourself up nice and well too. See, bed bath and beyond gives a shit about us Americans. It reminds us to take a bath, go to bed, and behave ourselves because there is a beyond. This reminds me of my Uncle Tom, when I used to take showers with him. Great guy, fine person, one of the best, trust me, I would know. He hated china. Anyways, he told me he would buy all his soaps from bed bath and beyond. He had the cleanest butthole.

>blocks your path

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pls respond

Weekendly reminder that shorts never closed, FTDs are still due mid September, everything BBBY has done from a strategic standpoint is the same thing GameStop did, and that there is obviously an army of shills who don't want you to buy BBBY.

Very bullish, we are gonna make it friends

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Hi, is there where I'm supposed to come if I have an overwhelming and unquenchable desire to sneed shills who don't want me to buy BBBY and GME?

>still worshipping the kike who rugged you
do jews have fucking mind control powers or something? what exactly has RC done to inspire such devotion?

I love how shitheads like you scream for censorship on this board and wsb.
If you dont like the thread, why dont you just hide it?

Posting in the last /BBBY/

The DTCC is part of WEF
Arnal sold his shares at the top

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