Kleros is dead. 51%.
PNK is NOT fine
Keep it poopie purple faggot.
where does the diarrhea go? how do they wash themselves with a bucket and a cloth before making that feet in the food meal for the village
They achieve their goal by only emptying 51% of their bowels, sir.
The Kleros team is in for a rude awakening once they exit the comfort of their heavily censored social media channels.
Why do you still feel the need to make these threads if it's dead? Makes me think PNK could be fine after all.
You never able to do a clean shit? The method allow u to take one huge dump and require no cleaning
51%. PNK will never be fine ever again.
I prefer standing shits
Based. Justice myst be brought to these evil men! Sirs…
Sirs, please post anything we don't approve of in the designated complain channel.
good morning sirs
Where to sell?
this is actually pretty based
kucoin when
If it's helpful for the bagholders then you can bet Clement and Fede will be fiercely against it. At this point they're fucking with us for lulz.
I’m calling the it, they’re going to pay the bribe in March once they’re able to sell the stink
What's going to happen is they will rug and pass control to other people via a fraud election and we will get stuck with even bigger pieces of shit like Ning and Santi so they can laugh into the twilight and not worry too much about what happens after. Fede already hinted this in conference calls.
>Fede already hinted this in conference calls.
post evidence
>ask where rusty is in the telegram
>some pajeet reports me to Susie
PNK is NOT fine.
I'm not a jeet and now enjoy your 24h stay in our amusement park
Kleros will never die