I identified as a woman to obtain a $100k Grant

Am I an asshole? My female friend stopped talking to me because of this.

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Nope, fuck the institutions. Everyone should be taking advantage of it as you did.
>female friend
fuck the cunt lol? a friend would be in your corner

>My female friend stopped talking to me because of this.
she wasn't a real female you are

Based and redpilled, fuck this globohomo clown world, do what you must to take advantage of it

but what did you do user? cam stuff? onlyfans?

I am this I am that
No you’re not you’re a loser

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The real assholes are the ones offering grants to only females. Feminists act like they want equality, but they are after superiority. And they will never achieve either.

>I identified as a woman to obtain a $100k Grant
Based user fucking with the system
>My female friend stopped talking to me because of this.

Based. I hope you shaved your legs.

you have what it takes to succeed in life, she doesn't. simple as

user on that Sigma Female(Male) Grindset.
Your friend probably voted for this lunacy so you're better off with the cash. If anyone gives you any scrutiny about this just shrug and say you've always been more of a tomboy.

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if this is real you shouldn't have told anyone and your female "friend' (imaginary) wouldn't have left

why would you tell others you scammed?

No way. Fuck the government

How did he scam?

You did a great thing

Females can't be your friend, faggot

Being trans is cringe...except when it makes you tons of money!

land of the rrreeeeeeee
and the home
of the

No. Gotta play the game they put a gun to your head to play. Good on you user

Kek this, you're a real woman because you choose to be, she just has useless x chromosomes!

He’s not actually mentally ill though, he just fucked with the government