Is there anything that is mooning tonight besides lame trends like RATS, Grows, or babies? I mean for the love of everything holy our space can't be this bad.
BSC Shitcoins
Binance Scam Chain is full of scams.
Sounds like what a DogeChain fag would say.
There's an Artemis Moon coin that would probably pump tonight with the Artemis lift off.
There is not a single BSC only tokens in the Top 300. Let that sink in.
starboy has done a 2x but its also a rat coin, what do you have against rodents?
Why not just buy Bitcoin?
What's the TG and CA?
> why not settle for a 0.2x
ok boomer
>Implying it's only about "muh shine Xs"
That's why you will stay poor or lose it all in the way.
Also bitcoin did a good 20x last bullrun
And next bullrun it can do a good 5-10x, so I'm complaining in this aspect
Wtf are you on nigger? And nobody can "make it" with the top 300s unless you're incredibly early. Let that sink in as well.
ArtemisMoonBSC is their tg
Ca: 0xf7ec882c80fe4b8872965ab26e8f0fa7c11604e9
It's because most serial softruggers are on eth now
This coin is actually holding up pretty well. People might be aping on this tonight since the launch is imminent.
Thanks. I know that the Artemis rocket is going off to the moon tomorrow so I kind of get that they want to ride the hype wave.
Exactly no one gives a shit about making 10% in a day anymore someone wants to throw a $100 and make 2k+.
Terrible tokens and websites
The chart looks really neat. Holding a nice middle ground, would totally ape this chart
Perhaps Glimpse NFT.. its a tiktok competitor.
They're sponsoring playlist live in Orlando this weekend so their name will be everywhere and around every zoomer's neck (on the lanyard everyone wearing) doing dances to the hundreds of millions of followers they have..
>Opinion rejected
i'm actually surprised that everyone is diamond-handing this lmao
I think everyone is waiting for the actual Artemis launch for this Artemis to lift off lol. Quite ironical.
It's been around multiple days, which 99% of BSC tokens dust. This is Moon material.
TikTok Competitor lmao dude no one competes against the CCP.
You're right, I have a get rich or die trying mentality lol.
It depends on your starting capital I think, ratboy just did like a 1500x from an initial call, so with a couple dollars you can make a few thousand.
But for quick gains, nothing beats small caps right now. And if you lose money, it shouldn't be a big amount. Then you can roll the profits into bitcoin if desired.
Day 3 is crucial for BSC coins, and this one's held strong past it. It's got strong grounds.
Lies, safemoon is in the top 300
This begs the question: how well will it do post-launch
Yeah this is ze way.
You make some capital with ze small caps that are trending at the moment, then roll it over to the bluechips and leave it there to rot for a lifetime, then finally make some 0.69x when you're 69 years old. Ez retirement monies
That depends on the marketing, if the devs are holding on to it post-launch it can keep going.
based and innuendopilled
My shinja gains are mooning, there are rumors of major esports gaming groups (like skkt1) is making deals with shinja gaming to do a collab
It's amazing, and it is showing in the charts. Imagine if you had millions of a coin and it just went up 20%
sounds promising doesn't it?