There are people right now deciding this is the perfect time to go all in.
There are people right now deciding this is the perfect time to go all in
It honestly might not come back down due to staking
>Die id
It's still got a good 5x pump before it gets unreasonable
Healthy looking chart tbqh
Yeah I did, I can feel the degen gambler awakening within me again.
What fucking coin is this asshole?? We supposed to know just by seeing vague candles
It actually is. There's only unironically two more weeks left to grab a bag.
Lunc, duh
Its lunc. Every thread on biz is a lunc thread.
It's some useless 'utility' token to buy music that people stopped caring about 3 years ago
why do people always purposefully not say the coin, and cut the coin out of screencaps? is it some sort of mysterious angle they learned from PUA academy?
I really want to make my bag a comfy 20mil before mid september. Hoping it goes down just a little bit so I can secure it
>There are people right now deciding this is the perfect time to go all in.
You don't say?
Hello nufag.
My apologies for being rude. I bag hold 45mil, might throw my entire paycheck at this just to sell on the big day for ez profit
I believe they're truly stupid, look at the 3D chart, there's a massive shooting star forming.
The 1.2% tax burn (that, if you haven't understood yet is NOT FOR EXCHANGE TRADING) hype pump is already priced in.
If Binance will ever add a tax burn off chain, will first crash and burn LUNC again to accumulate more low and then suddenly will say "sup bros, we join the burn with our own tax burn" and the price will skyrocket.
But on September 12th they'll now apply the tax burn on trading volume, that's a different thing they could only apply it to on chain transactions so deposit and withdrawals.
>Imagine being this new not knowing every single coin's chart just by looking at the candles
Nigger I hold this coin, probably bought in earlier than you at .000045. I’m just not a turbo autist
Based, I’m absolutely euphoric. Luncchads!
Yup i feel it inside of me as well, i can't control it guys, it's a lot, i need it, i need it. IF IT GOES UP AT LEAST A BIT I GET LIKE 1.5 PER BAG AAAAAAAGH
I'm going to pog till I die
based schizo ninja
is the bsc casino alive again?
I just got paid