Anything that isnt PoW is a scam.
Anything that isnt PoW is a scam
the entire concept of money is a scam
you just know
I hate it when women get pregnant because their bodies are totally ruined in the process. Black nipples, hairy stomachs, thinning hairlines and wrinkly grandma stomachs. Women have no value at all after they've shit out a kid.
real north dallas vibes in this photo down to the chinese woman and all
pleb take, bearing children is hormonally beneficial for women. you see so many roasties BRUTALLY hitting the wall at 28-30 because they never had any babies.
well, that and their cocaine habits.
i remember mia khlafa worked for ifunny and did contest for everyone to photoshop that pic or caption it or something. I won and she mailed me a autographed diploma first thing i did was smell it
You are a degenerate with a fetish.
Big bellies are hot (if due to me getting her pregnant, it signals to the world that I own her and bred her)
Tits get bigger due to pregnancy
Dark nipples are hot as well
Also she will start making milk which is super hot
If you don’t have a breeding/preggo/milk fetish you are ngmi. I’m going to impregnate my wife at least 5 times
The dog’s a proud father
>degenerate with a fetish
what, procreation? go neck yourself you antihuman kike goblin
That woman is 31 or something right?
>Muh preggo mommy milkies
She will also start balding and her stomach will look like a rotten peach.
That wasn't what I said, retard. Keep having recreational sex with birth-control popping roasties, degenerate.
That woman is asian. They eat the dogs, they don't fuck them.
I have met many childless women in their 30s who were pretty. I think you guys are cherrypicking amerigoblins.
idk im not a coomer
>Implying I have sex
I have never met any woman who had kids and was bald because of it. By this logic your own mom should be bald. Literally what are you actually fucking talking about kek.
Women can still have fine physiques post-childbirth, problem is most women don't put in any preventive maintenance on their bodies (moisturizing, non-strenuous exercise, eating healthy, etc) to protect them. That's why 95% of "MILFs" look completely fucked up with their permanent stretch marks, flabby baby fat that never went away, loose pussy, etc.
You just know it's a library or a government building or something. All these fucking sterile ass public buildings with the shitty chairs.
>plot twist: it’s a vore about Asian women eating dogs
This is pure ducking cap, I’m 23 and the most finest women on social media are on instagram and every fucking time I follow them and go to their pages they are literally always either just hitting 30 or in their mid to late 30s and all got baby faces,complete fucking cap.
that a white man put that baby in that womb :^)
>the most finest women on social media
>either just hitting 30 or in their mid to late 30s
uhh user i think you got a fetish