We have to solve the green frog problem (it's big but YOU can help make a difference!)

We have to solve the green frog problem.

We live in 2022 and racists are still spamming this hate symbol all over the Internet.

This website is the root of this cancer.

This website is where the hate originates.

The poison that is destroying the Internet.

Any Forums should lead the way and set a good example for the rest of 4channel and Any Forums to follow.

So please stop posting the green frogs!

If you see someone posting a green frog, please tell him to stop and not do it again.

And if anyone of you have ever posted green frogs, then PLEASE, please just STOP and THINK!

If your parents saw you had green frogs on your computer, they would be ashamed of you.

You may think it's funny (it's NOT) and think the frogs look cute (they DON'T) but many people part of minority groups feel deeply offended by them.

Imagine for example you are a Jewish transgendered woman and you go on Any Forums for financial advice and the first thing you see are green frogs all over the place... NOBODY should have to endure such an experience!

Not on Any Forums.

And really not anywhere.

On Any Forums it doesn't matter much because the whole board is full of hateful anti-semitic racist white males, so no sane person ever goes there.

But Any Forums...

Some sane people actually come here, every day, to discuss business and finance.

And we ought to do everything we can to make them feel welcome here.

And if we make Any Forums a nicer place and a kinder place, then the rest of 4channel and Any Forums will feel inspired by our good example and follow our lead.

Together we can improve this website.

Together we can eliminate the toxicity and hate.

So please do your part!

It's SO important.

For example...

Every time you make a post and you think of using a green frog for the image... if you stop yourself and instead use a different image, then you've made a small but important contribution towards improving this website.

And if you see posts with green frogs, please let the poster know the green frog isn't okay!

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I totally agree

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I'll let you know if I see any, cap'n!

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You fuck yourself nigger

Based I’m reporting all green frogs

Dear fellow anons, I think OP is correct and it's time we end the hate and stop posting frogs.

I think it's time we realize Any Forums is going into a frogless mode.

It's a huge transformation for Any Forums to make.

But without that transformation, which must take place, Any Forums will not survive.

So let's all do our part. Let's put an end to the frogposting together, my fellow frens.

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You're shorting Pepe nfts?

Hey that's not very nice to niggers, user

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First we solve the kike problem leftypoltard glowspook.

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not about Any Forumsiness or finance

Fuck you faggot, I just posted this >

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We're way under quota for but sexism and racism, if we can't get our numbers up this board is getting axed

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Count me in

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Green Frog Thread

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Based furfag

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