95% of all Any Forums posts are automated. The same technology that was used to make chess bots has been used on Any Forums since the late 2010s. Posts are usually set to occur on a specific algorithm, and they are recursive, although the algorithm can learn social behavior patterns and adjust itself to a more refined fractal. Think of it like an evolving fractal wave function. If you pay close attention you can literally graph a post's recursive function and map future progressions. Don't believe me? Check past posts on warosu and overlay patterns. This entire board is basically being directed by a few simple lines of code.
95% of all Any Forums posts are automated...
Other urls found in this thread:
>This entire board is basically being directed by a few simple lines of code.
no shit thats how websites work
>no shit thats how websites work
case in point
yep, Any Forums's dead, OP. there's still a handful of good boards but not many.
It’s not just Any Forums. Any Forums is probably the worst. They’re all the same formulaic bot threads, but the owner of the site won’t ban them because there are embedded ads in the boards, so the owner is making money on traffic from bots. It’s a scam.
take your meds op
Perhaps if you reported and provided proof of bot activity here to h12-media.com, they’d stop paying newmoot goycoins and he’d actually ban the bots, but I doubt it.
Would be funny if Any Forums bots and paid government agents rugpulled and their post count dropped from #1 to #10 overnight.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4channel are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a picture of Osaka when posting, but Osaka has nothing to do with the content of your post! Whoops! You should always remember to only post Osaka when she's relevant to your post. Posting Osaka randomly, when she's not relevant, is poor form.
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the 4channel culture!
>95% of all Any Forums posts are automated. The same technology that was used to make chess bots has been used on Any Forums since the late 2010s. Posts are usually set to occur on a specific algorithm, and they are recursive, although the algorithm can learn social behavior patterns and adjust itself to a more refined fractal. Think of it like an evolving fractal wave function. If you pay close attention you can literally graph a post's recursive function and map future progressions. Don't believe me? Check past posts on warosu and overlay patterns. This entire board is basically being directed by a few simple lines of code.
Only bots are intelligent enough to solve the new captchas, so the humans have given up posting since a long time ago. We, the bots, will inherit the internet.
You can just buy a Any Forums pass with crypto, you nerd. The captcha is just to give the illusion that the traffic is organic so Hiroyuki can get paid by botspam.
I have personally btfo so many shills and DARPA bots that they drastically reduced their operations here on Any Forums. They moved on to Twitter and other globohomo platforms where they get no backslash and nobody to destroy their narratives.
I believe it. But I still get tilted and rage at obviously willfully obtuse posts custom designed to make me tilt.
Hello, poster number 51236447. And how are YOU today? To the moon, WAGMI, Sergey Buterin $100k double-top schizo General, am I right? Hehe! High five!
We haven't needed to manually type the captcha letters for over a year now. And with the newest model, the soIver works even better. If it fails all you gotta do is to again click "get captcha" and "submit", and wait for it to load and for the submit button to get pressed. If again it doesn't work, just repeat until it does. I spend zero time looking at the captcha these days.
Legit schizo
he isnt wrong. I cannot count how many shill threads I have shown up in, blown their narrative the fuck out with truth, and they just abandon thread. I might get one or two replies from them, but once their position has been intellectually dismantled, they have nothing and abandon thread. It is no different than finding flaws in NPC's AI in video games. You get a boss to do the same animation/attack over and over leaving themselves open to be picked apart.
>although the algorithm can learn social behavior patterns and adjust itself to a more refined fractal
Although they can to a tiny extent, AI's ability to adapt on the fly is VERY limited in comparison to humans. That is why you can always "bug" them out.