Crypto is an attempt to separate you from your money

Crypto is an attempt to separate you from your money.

We have about 23 years left until the Micronova event happens, meanwhile the Earths magnetic field is getting weaker and a CME that can take out all electronics is becoming more likely every day.
The Micronova is what "Climate Change" is really about and its also the reason for the fake "Corona" virus (Corona as in the Suns Corona) and the "Great Reset"

Attached: 1658623549366768.jpg (3000x2000, 2.38M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Crypto is an attempt to separate your money from the Talmud.

2nd from right
no one else


Patrician taste


If you really want to know what is happening, you can start here:

Attached: 1661366947413058.jpg (1078x1151, 452.49K)

Not possible, I only invested $400 in 2013.

I prefer far right

Attached: 1655583840955.jpg (750x741, 56.48K)

Monero dev team, thanks for playing

Prove it

I love women who dress like that
Especially those sporty socks

3rd from the right

Attached: 1656794404436.png (844x840, 1.18M)

For me, it always has to be George McFly's daughter, far left.



God, I would bury my entire body in there and you would only be able to see me again when I gasp for air

Far left for me. Look at that tongue. She can tongue my anus and my nuts anyday

>ball of magma hurdling through space will explode any moment now
I know a tranny when I see one

Attached: you.jpg (760x543, 140.8K)

yikes these girls look 16-17. you freak why would you post this

agreed, dude thinks he can predict solar ejection phenomena with any degree of accuracy, let alone to the exact year lmao

i don’t care nigger

#8 is all mine. She is my personal affection. You guys can fuck anyone else you want. But, #8 is mine, forever.

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