RIP European economy

RIP European economy

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Most important thread on this godforsaken board and it goes unnoticed.

God I hate these fucking orcs. (((oil leak))) my fucking ass


Kek get fucked. You voted for this.
>captcha: g0ynt

Good , eu needs to get purged

I don't understand what the fuck they're talking about. What does this mean?

read the last line you fucking moron

Yeah its another ((cohencidence)) like the rust in the French nuclear facilities
Its all a charade, all manufactured. All planned.

Why should I care about the nordic pipeline? I'm Canadian lol

I can't imagine a shittier job than shilling for Russia. Once your shit country sinks into oblivion I hope the memory of these days haunts you to your last dying breath in some hovel in the middle of nowhere. You Russians are so incomprehensibly vile shit it boggles the mind.

I don't care about the economy, gas, food, anything. I'm willing to see everything rendered into horse shit if it means seeing you, your shit army and Putin simply die and be erased from this Earth. You are literal stone age savages and this is nothing short of a holy war to save Civilization itself. Absolutely nothing matters except cracking you open. I despise you so, so much.

Fossil fuel bros, should we buy an Aventador SVJ or a 599 GTO, this winter?

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This would have rekt Germany at the start of the year. But now its just an inconveniece. Putin just let Germany slowly shift gears for 6 months. Pretty retarded if he wants to exert pressure

shift gears into shutting down all their nuclear plants?

eat shit eurosoi faggot

damn you're retarded, just stick to smoking weed and leave the adults talk

how much they pay you? or how much do they promise and not pay?

>I can't imagine a shittier job than shilling for Russia.
Shilling for Globohomo and the Jews is arguably more despicable.

I don't fear Russia. They've proved that they're a paper tiger, I'm not even sure their nukes are operational. What I fear the most is the despotic tendencies of the current leaders of the West. A Carbon Pass this winter in France ? WTF is that shit ? Just because they were dumb enough to rely on Russian gas and had no plan B ? Then why are they cutting it, sending weapons and money to Ukraine was enough. They obviously don't care about their own people.

And assholes like you are supporting those scums, despite the fact that they're destroying our own countries from within. It will be remembered when the time comes.

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Putin has gone too soft it feels like

This crisis is a golden opportunity for Europeans to push for change.

"Let's get back to.. LE NORMAL!" But things were never normal for Europeans. Even when EU traded with Russia on the best terms possible, EU was still going downhill, made a lot of stupid, self-destructing decisions. Europeans became weak and sissified. That's what dependence on Russian energy exports does to you. The best time for Europe to get its shit together is now.