Holy shit I hate my mother
Holy shit I hate my mother
Odds are she hates you too.
Just because she didn’t get you the brand of tendies you wanted doesn’t mean you have to hate her. Cherish and love your mom forever because once she’s gone, she’s gone for good.
i used to hate my mother too user, and then i lost her to breast cancer last year. i was sad for awhile, but as its been longer and longer i realized how much of a narcisstic toxic cunt she was.
first time i read, i ate my mother out
Checked. But nobodies perfect. You probably have a few unpleasant qualities yourself. We all do, but we all have to be able to look past it and realize our time on this earth/dimension/realm whatever you want to call it is extremely short. Just be good, and see the good in others.
Same. I was glad when she died though. It was like removing a thorn. Painful at first, but I'm glad that bitch is dead
Checked. Did not see the turn this reply would take coming.
what that bitch did this time?
i love my mother and she loves me
Yiu are one sad individual.
If you're a grown man you shouldn't really think about or interact with your mom more than 5 or 6 times a year
I used to see the good in everyone. With everything that's happened over the past 5 years (and especially the last 2), I've all but lost that ability.
God I hate these posters. Do you understand getting fucked over by the very people who were supposed to take care of you when you couldn’t do it yourself?
Very high probability that you're the bad guy in this situation
Not everyone has loving parents you know.
I am still in contact with mine, but I won't cry when they die.
I cried a lot when my uncle died though
I'm pissed at my mom because she was a 10 and could've married literally anyone when she was young. She would always tells stories about all of the handsome, successful men that she dated when she was young, but she wanted a career, so she basically married my dad because he was a pushover and she knew that he wouldn't stand in her way. Long story short, it all came back to bite her in the ass years later when my parents split. I feel bad that my mother is being punished by karma for her selfishness, but imo she totally deserves it.
lmao she is pure evil assuming not larp
literally did it so her son feels guilty about it for the rest of his miserable life lmao
>I hate my mother
Move out of her basement.
I don’t blame you. The past few years have been anything but easy. But life’s short. Don’t let their actions bother you. People are shit, just look past it. If it’s worth interacting then go for it. Otherwise they don’t exist.
Yes. I do actually. People have a job, sometimes they either do their job well or they don’t care enough and just do the bare minimum to get paid. Some people just quit their jobs. Job can be replaced with anything that requires responsibility. But think of it like this, in your eyes the world revolves around you. Don’t you think in their eyes the world revolves around them? Just let it be and be a good person. It always works out favorably in the end.
Kinda hard to do that when the economy is shit and there's no jobs. If I get this position I just interviewed for, I'm moving far away from these toxic fucking people.