How should I invest my $30/month before tax wagie? I'm a blue collar wagie in some shithole by the way. I'm tired of sleeping at the shaded curb because stingy boss doesn't want to provide living quarters because he said
>"I'm hiring you to work, not luxury indulges"
>"I'm working on it, if you work harder and get rake the profit, maybe I'll get one for all of you"
I can't actually run from here because it's remote place where my only transportation is the boss's trucks.
At least there's free internet. Yeah, I used to live with my parents and I don't want to tell them how I'm doing because they never have high hopes on me that I can stand on myself, being the step child despite biologically related to both of them. I might get scolded again.
How should I invest my $30/month before tax wagie? I'm a blue collar wagie in some shithole by the way...
my base salary is $160k and I have $9k in the bank. I'm in the south east
Just gtfo out, loan some money and run. The job market is overheated even for blue collars. 30 dollar a month is close to nothing.
Your networth is only $9k?
how the fuck are people this bad with money
stop eating out every night, stop buying overpriced coffee or useless shit that makes you happy for 1-2 days and you forget about
Because they live upto how much they make, then all these extra things become normal living expenses.
this is poorfag advice.
keep eating out. keep spending your money on coffee, weed, and other things you enjoy. just make sure your income is sufficient that such expenses will never be a factor in your larger financial picture. the idea that you make it by not spending money is nonsensical. you make it by stacking money and doing what it takes to increase income.
you definitely shouldn't buy an iphone every year and nice clothes every week, there are limits, but cost of living expenses are going up every month, while junk food weed and energy drinks are getting cheaper. You can live off of beans and rice and still end up spending more month to month just because of inflation. saving money is a meme in an inflated economy that has no mapping to reality.
People need more info. What country and what is the local area?
How true is this?
>40% are dying in between paychecks
That seems awfully high
I’ve got a Toyota Tacoma I paid $15k for, a suburban I paid $50k for, and like $50k in retirement accounts
What country and what province?
yeah to add to this, eating well is really really important, like ridiculously important. its not enough to eat to live, food is major source of moral support. if you eat cold can of beans every day, you will become depressed, lethargic, and this will directly reflect on your ability to increase your income and make good decisions.
im slowly getting rid of my autistic hoarding mentality and forcing myself to spend good money to get good food that simply feels good to eat. and its fine if its expensive, because i will 100% make that money back in the long term.
ofcourse, on the other hand, shit like a new flagship phone is not likely to actually improve your life. infact probably the opposite. so you have to be honest with yourself, where your hoarding instinct ends, and your consumerist instinct starts. beware of both, i know i regularly find myself flipping through amazon to get some epic gaymer computer but at the end of the day i just think to myself, "ok imagine that computer is here, what are you gonna do with it?", the answer almost always is nothing different to what im doing now.
Sambas, Indonesia...
>Coworker of mine makes $200k/year in one of the lowest cost of living areas in America
>Has probably $20k net worth if he's lucky because he cannot stop consuming for a second
>Recently bought a new car when he already has 2 other cars and is single
it's a divide-and-conquer article designed to breed resentment.
i make about $80k after taxes and my rent is about $3000. after 401k/roth/investments i really am "living paycheck-to-paycheck" with five digits in my checking account.
I see. Thats rough. What do u want? Your first problem is your location. Being poor there is a trap imo. 30$/month and u will be stuck there until your body starts to break down. If I were you I would make leave, but more in your situation a better word is "escape". Maybe the excuse is "visit home during holiday" or something else. After that have your money and plan ready and run, tell no living person where and start something better. Education or go to a region country with better basic pay. Then go from there. I be clever, very very clever at planning, and would study where indonesians migrate legally or illegally with better standard of living and retrain in something new, if i were u then save and go from there.
>What do u want
I'll repeat it again because no one reads the OP; I just want to make some other (reasonable) income with the little I have so that I can make my escape much sooner.
>visit home during holiday
never went back home since the past 3 years (stuck with covid + resume bone breaking to catch the delayed schedule). Can't leave with whatever excuse because being a slave in third world country is even worse than burger flipping or a janitor cleaning New York metro.
I dont get it, you should explain more clearly, you cant leave with an excuse? what does that have to do with new york?
You should be grateful anybody is even responding trying to help, as you can see the others told you to stop drinking starbucks and eat better, is that what you want for advice? Okay quit spending your money on fast food and 8$ starbucks and stop buying a new iphone every 2 months. Are you grateful now?. now go back to your shit hole.
Leave. Literally just fucking, take your $30 and walk out the damn door. Go as far as you need to in order to find an opportunity to LEARN and BETTER YOURSELF to make money. Make yourself valuable and the money will come