Imagine being a renter.
>The median rent in the US eclipsed $2,000 per month in June
>8.5 million people are behind on their rent
>Of those, 3.8 million renters are somewhat or very likely to be evicted within the next two months.
>Nearly half of all renters experienced rent hikes in the past 12 months
>To make ends meet, 57% of renters are turning to credit cards and loans, raiding savings, selling assets, and dipping into retirement funds
Millions Of Renters Face Eviction In Coming Months
maybe they start looking for real jobs and become active members of society instead of leeching gibs while doing shitty to no work and have the audacity to complain about the rent
>t. landlord
whny did someone wrongly put landlords in with jobs? is it a troll?
Its not easy being a landlord. Putting up with tenants excuses and bullshit, fixing all the damage done as tenants move out, collecting rent and evicting bad tenants is more work than you know. Its a lot easier to flip burgers for a living than it is to be a landlord.
As a civil engineer dont put me with you parasitic landlords, I've worked harder then you in 2 days then you have in 2 years I EARNED my paycheck maybe if you had you know REAL RESPECT.
lets see how important your "job" really is when the next ai wave come out
>be civil engineer
>get paid to sit on their ass, drink coffee and play around CAD program
Baristas work harder than you.
Do you think roman roads never needed repairs?
>show up shitfaced and hungover every monday
>unpaid bills, unfinished work
>never answer phone, have to pay a secretary just to run interference
>three month backlog of "on site" "work"
>pointlessly draw pictures for the day when a team of mexican subcontractors that don't speak english show up and do everything wrong anyway
romans didnt have to worry about cars or ice
Good thing they had slave labor to keep the costs down.
you will never do a real days work in your life
Soon user, soon.
For every good landlord there are 1000 bad ones.
I want to be a bad one. Attractive women get the blow job discount. Men get the boot. And if any man damages my property, I'll have some thugs track him down and beat the living shit out of him. That's how we keep everyone in their place. In a capitalist society, the name of the game is accumulating capital, idiot. It's right there in the name.
>have some thugs track him down and beat the living shit out of him
95% of the world problems can be solved this way.
>someone breaks into a car.
>The next day an angry man with a bat break their ribs
>doesn't touch another can in their life after 6 months of pain
Unironically we are headed to times of landowner kings and serfs.
Rightfully so.
wow it's so hard to hire a property manager
kys yourself.
ask me how do I know you are NOT a landlord and currently are FAR from making it
It won't happen, there would be a mass insurrection. Look at how they caved over student debt. Renters will be supported and white supremacist divisive pro-Trump homeowning bigots will pick up the tab.