what's it like having 8 figs?
What's it like having 8 figs?
It's like having 7 figs, but better
It's like having 9 figs, but worse
It's like having 8 figs
You made it but you know you'll never have a normal relationship with anyone ever again
If people know you're rich, they treat you differently.
If you hide that you're rich to not be treated differently, you in turn aren't being yourself.
its better to keep a low profile unless you live in a posh area. 8 figs can give you a moderately fancy lifestyle like fine dining and business class experiences. But not worth if you're still young cos you have 40-50 years life ahead of you
One of the many reasons rich people mainly socialize with other rich people.
If you're not born into money it can be jarring. Suddenly you only fit in in a community that grew up completely different from you.
At least the American upper class is welcoming to newcomers (as long as you didn't make it gambling), the English upper class will look down on you for not being born rich and you won't fit in anywhere.
>the English upper class
Though I will say there's some wisdom in living an outwardly humble life without giving off the 'has money' vibes.
The kind of car you drive, the clothing you wear, your home, how you decorate, a lot of that can ward off golddiggers and the like. The difference is you can do pretty much anything and never have to think about money when you do spend it.
amazing probably, no need to stress
>The difference is you can do pretty much anything and never have to think about money when you do spend it.
this is the only thing I care about.
Was never much into fancy cars/clothes, seems like faggotry/nigger shit.
Although I'd splurge on a huge farm and animals, prob become a rancher.
i'll tell you once my qom bags turn me into a morbillionaire.
I'm guessing you lose any sense of what money even is since you seem to have a limitless supply of it so once you have THAT issue figured out you can go out and have as much fun as you want.
oh nooo the pompous spoiled manchildren wont accept me :( wahh wahh
god i hate rich people so much it's unreal
I wasn't memeing B^)
I will never understand why so may richfags resort to drugs and go insane the moment they hit 40
>English upper class
What fucking century do you think it is?
>Was never much into fancy cars/clothes, seems like faggotry/nigger shit.
I will say, gaudy shit I agree with you but there's a specially good feeling to having tailored clothing.
As for cars, the mid-tier (40-60k) ones tend to be a sweet spot for comfort/extras while not carrying that "look how rich I am!" sign. Heck a fully loaded Accord is wonderful.
I'd be traveling a lot, personally. Just get up and go whenever I felt like it. I'd have a business-y look about me so people didn't think I was a full on tourist when I flew so they'd be more inclined to leave you alone.