I'm in love with Sabrina

I'm in love with Sabrina
But specifically her anime version. She used to scare me as a kid and I thought she was mean, but now I wish I could've been the one to make her smile and feel better. I think she might've affected my taste in women's looks, long dark straight hair and piercing eyes. It all started with her.

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She'll shrink you though.

I prefer her videogame version. Show version was kinda weird.

I thought is was cute when Haunter's antics made her laugh. Wonder if that was related to why she decided to become an actress.

GOD I fucking love himecut anime girls

The weirdness is memorable. Her Advance redesign was so lame.

>Her Advance redesign was so lame.
Her HGSS and FRLG designs are even worse iyam

>FRLG designs
Thats the one I was referring to. Sorry

That episode was so scary.

My brothers

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No you're fine, my mind stopped working for a minute and immediately went to thinking about her Let's Go design, which is worse. Her gen 3 look is passable.

Extremely based, she made me love them

I want to fuck the little girl

It's a doll, retard

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Woe, plague be upon you

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This right here is peak Sabrina.

It's those eyes for me

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Those are completely different canons.
That's not a himecut, user, she just has bangs.

>Those are completely different canons.
Not him, but let a man dream.

You think she would allow the doll to join in during sex
It doesn't have any schizo magic to it anymore but she's still attached to it

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What does Sabrina think of Mewtwo?