>rebase lands
My portfolio?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lunc for shits and giggles
My negro. I bought that shit at $23 when it got exploited. Sold half it at 21k. Best play I ever made. Now I'm bag holding the rest and hoping it pumps again.
Excruciatingly based.
Is dextools better than pcoin when it comes to reading charts or is that DEXT holdie mass copium?
So you fell for every meme in the book. Got it. Thanks for playing by the way!
the only real issue with dextools is the fact that it's kinda hard to read at first, i wish they had a "simple" version for newer users. when i open it it still feels like i'm reading 90 different things at once and that shit can get a bit mentally exhausting
"Omg its like, soooo mentally exhausting Like ugghhh..."
Why isn't there more vinu hate coming from shibposters or d0b0posters? That coin has singlehandedly blown these two out of the water for the past two months straight and they are oddly quiet about it.
they play all sides equally
if vinu gets bigger it'll become the new shib, etc
lame frogfaggot lame portfolio
I feel like those are a given so I don't even mention them being in my portfolio since I just keep them on my ledger with no intent to sell any time soon.
take adderall to threat your adhd
Railgun is a fed project.
yeah it was a bait thread but instead I have pajeets calling me based for advertising their scams lmao