>small float
>naked shorted through swaps
>bankruptcy priced in
>secured financing to not go bankrupt
>keeping buybuy baby for the time being (selling it immediately would be a move of desperation)
>implementing many of RCs suggestions to restructure the business, got rid of the shitty CEO etc
>on reg sho threshold list, unlikely to get off it with this high trading volume (FTDs need to be less than 0.5% of shares outstanding for 5 trading days in a row to get off it)
>gamma ramp being built up, in the #1 spot on the fintel.io gamma squeeze leaderboard
>lots of media exposure and fomo both from retail investors and institutions
>small float
>naked shorted through swaps
>bankruptcy priced in
>secured financing to not go bankrupt
>keeping buybuy baby for the time being (selling it immediately would be a move of desperation)
>implementing many of RCs suggestions to restructure the business, got rid of the shitty CEO etc
>on reg sho threshold list, unlikely to get off it with this high trading volume (FTDs need to be less than 0.5% of shares outstanding for 5 trading days in a row to get off it)
>gamma ramp being built up, in the #1 spot on the fintel.io gamma squeeze leaderboard
>lots of media exposure and fomo both from retail investors and institutions
/BBBY// Tendies ready soon editon
Its over. I sold everything
Unironically this.
guess i got what i deserved
reddit said RC was long, the FUD
all this time without a surge
didn't know you'd think that i'd forget
or pay off debt
my towel stock...that now is dead....
Shills going hard, the r/BBBY is now mostly shit.
Pretty bullish.
It is quite telling how they seem to have to post so often to remind you of your investments in a company they have have no stake in with outright misinformation and badly crafted fud. I think I'll hold
Yes, i dont know whats up with them. This "meme stock" has become such an issue for hedgies that they cannot allow internet talk to be contrary to their wishes. The superstonk community has roots that are like 2 years old (it was called by different names then), and shitloads of very active members that have seen alot, so it now moderates itself better than one could imagine. But the others, way to easy to manipulate.
This, at least I'll make it back in capital loss come tax season.
Also fuck Rugpull Ryan.
It's just the spamming of fud that has coincided with the $600m loan citadel took that has me realising that the play is very much on. Costs me nothing to hold, I have money, I have income I have no problem waiting to see what happens. They bleed money daily, with needing to sell 20% of the company and now begging for a loan while being rated Baa3 which is basically dog shit. I know who is going to win this staring contest.
Im going all in, buying 80 shares with all my savings money.
If this goes to 0 I DONT GIVE A FLYING KEK!
babybagbros, were coming back, arent we? almost gren
Yeah, they are in a position that costs them alot money every day. Apes are not. Meanwhile Gamestop fundamentals grow.
The only insertion or theoretical chance hedgies have is psyhology; of somehow getting people to let go of GME and BBBY. I think its beginning to dawn on them that GME is here to stay, and that BBBY may very well be too. Former Asia CEO of Riot is now making game that utilize GamestopNFT. GTA6 is going NFT, etc.
>AMC2 below AMC
Shills STILL posting
You have to go back.
baggies STILL coping
There was some slimy Jew on here telling everyone to buy before the announcement. I detected the Jew.
>"reg sho T+13 will cause forced buying for sure!"
>gets removed from reg sho on T+12
it's almost hilarious how almost every hyped event here has gotten completely shrek'd
the only two catalysts I foresee
>new CEO announcement
>insiders buy more shares
This is either a god teir exit pump or the schitzos are right.
If I get singles, it's over
Dubs, we moon soon
Trips, we moon today
And by moon I mean like $40-60 per share because honestly this is not like GME
lmfao if i get dubs or better we moon to fucking MARS fuck you