Old bread >be you >waiting for the dip >it dips >”idk man it might be over” >doesn’t make it Meanwhile >be me, a winner >26m bag >takes this necessary cool down to round up to 30m >makes it >fucks your gf >you are happy she received my superior genes and raise my child
>download terra station on your phone >create a new wallet >go to settings and switch network to classic >withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!) >once you receive your coins go to stake screen >choose a validator and delegate to them >withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins
>4 years I appreciate the conservative approach but I think you may be exaggerating the timeline a bit.
Julian Rogers
When I click undelegate does it still generate rewards for the next 21 days?
Adrian Martin
checked. don't worry, fren. you're gmi.
Sebastian Wilson
>tfw almost got rugpulled by some shitcoin called ShadowFi >Decided to instead wait for tomorrow (today) and buy somre more lunc >waiting for the dip at .00020 or maybe even 18.000 >tfw thinking on accumulating more lunc saved me from some pajeet scam. >No pajeet I have 1700 to invest and you are not touching that.
10 cents is make it money for most. What kind of mini stack are you holding that it only pays for a PC and college?
Kayden Miller
Ian Williams
I feel you. But the timeline is just "end of burn". If that's faster or slower, eh, but I know that post burn 0.10 is locked in, even if MC drops in half from today. Simple strat is to buy a stack of dimes today and stake em until the burn is over, then cash out, because thems the guarantees.
Hudson Murphy
Speaking of stacking, how does it influence the price ? Everybody is focused on the incoming burn tax, but 7% of the circulating supply stacked is far from negligible and removes billions of coins from the market.
5 mil but it's on frontiers.osmosis so I'm going to lose a good chunk of it to slippage and gas fees
Nathaniel Russell
I told you retards to swing the obvious local top yesterday
Sebastian Gutierrez
No. It warns you about this when you are undelgating, so make sure this is something you want to do
Oliver Brooks
Allnodes indicates come October they will have a 5% fee and all of that is going to be burned, so we have direct influence on the burn rate there as well.
I gotcha and I saw people shitting on you in the last thread for the opinion. I agree with you that .10 is absolutely mathematically guaranteed at some point and a solid base to pump from. Glad we’re here early. $5 EOY
Jeremiah Ross
Can you give me a direct link for terra station app please. Don't want to send my precious LUNC to scam app. Thanks!
Allnodes being based as fuck , others will be burning their commissions as well . How can you not be bullish as fuck on Lunc . You know damn well 2una holders are going to either fomo back in or start roping . 2days of rewards .
Zaradar having some friendly words about Do Kwon and explaining his situation which is, as he says, misunderstood. Interesting interview nevertheless, very encouraging stuff for LUNC youtu.be/ZE8LHS5VDaM?t=1339
Andrew Roberts
i chopped off some profits, is it time to reenter?
Dominic Campbell
I ended up sending mine to MetaMask swap to usdc , sent to crypto.com then swapped usdc to lunc . MetaMask was fairly easy