i have a big cock but i'm an incel who can't get laid
how do i profit from this?
i have a big cock but i'm an incel who can't get laid
how do i profit from this?
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i have 200 eth but i'm an incel who can't get laid
any help Any Forums
i need an opinion from a financial expert
Big dick is not just about size it’s a mentality, project big dick energy and girls will come to you. Once they see you actually have a big dick they will come back for more. Also long ETH
i'm already long on eth, and the part of girls coming back to it is also true.
it just feels kinda wasted. i'm sitting here in my chair with my cock peeking out from the bottom of my shorts. girls would fall in love with me once they taste it
yet nobody knows about it and i'm not profiting from this in any way
you guys are fucking pathethic
I have 50+k in debt and I have a 5.75" dick
balding+ greying
and I still manage to get laid , work on your headspace DWEEBS
Just go to some nightclub with tight pants it aint that hard
>be funny fat dude with 5 inch dick
>Open communication and kink positive
>Always down for exploring new things with partners
The gods cursed me with a dicklet but blessed me with the ability to look past it
We don’t want fatties or butterfaces cause we have standards.
Any other advice???
Or as one girl told me when I disclosed my insecurities
>The Lord giveth and the Lord take the away
im worth 1.2 million and im still an incel
>B-b-ut I have really high standards and need a 10/10 beau-
Stfu, you don't have high standards, you have an unhealthy obsession with an ideal that's unobtainable and you'll always sabotage yourself because you can't be happy and in the moment and lack any semblance of confidence. Even if that super model ideal in your head walked up to you and grabbed your dick, you'd shut away and find some excuse.
ya i hope you enjoy your fat ugly partners, good for you.
lol don't worry about standards , you have to realize this ; you need to start somewhere . dont limit yourelf until you learn what those limit are in the first place twerp
This you? Maybe cop a beej instead of being mad people get laid while you see the on an Indonesian irc channel.
>i'm sitting here in my chair with my cock peeking out from the bottom of my shorts
Have you given any thought that you are probably gay?
i'm 100% not gay, otherwise i wouldn't be an incel
bruh u gay
there are no gay incels, it's literally impossible being gay and incel at the same time
At least you are rich, Vitalik
it is possible if you are a faggot
sounds like gay bait