Eth is at least half it's inherent value

>eth is at least half it's inherent value
>merge in 4 days
literally easiest 2x of my life, wtf are you frogs doing?

Attached: 1656149856422.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

thanks, never shorted so fast

That's a man

Buying Link and Holding cash (ticker:USD)

priced in


A whore? That sounds pretty bad.
A foreign whore? That sounds kinda good.

Attached: 1632642888277.png (860x978, 174.8K)

only the beacon chain hardfork will be in 4 days, the merge will come in roughly two more weeks unironically.

the merge has been priced in for a long time now
swap your ETH for LINK or cry in 2 weeks

user what's happening i started shit talking about jews on Any Forums and now YouTube is showing jewish ads I'm not even from Israel.
>is YouTube kike trying to send me message
>if yes then what's it

I sold my ETH for MATIC and ICPeepee. The merge will not scale Ethereum, it just switches it to POS, which ensures JPmorgan controls the network forever.

browser tracking, browsing history tracking, duh doy

maybe youtube thinks you're a jew, maybe the algorithm will now tell you what to buy to get rich.

But I'm using kuroba app for Any Forums and was using YouTube on my laptop, then i got ad for hotel booking in Tel-Aviv

>kuroba app
huh, no idea then

No idea about that specific app, but say Samsung keyboard for example on Android will track your inputs.
Link it to your IP for ad targeting.


This implies that most people who use Any Forums frequently travel to tel-aviv

All talk company participate in marketing pools. Search info associated with you in address of other identifying info from your laptop or cell phone is combined into a single profile for you. It’s why if someone else in your house uses your wifi you can also start getting ads based on their searches

now: buying $20k btc
later: coming on taut asian tummies


>inherent value
merge is priced in
when it actually happens it's going to zero

>priced in
>going to zero
based retard


Attached: 1646953251477.jpg (511x576, 39.57K)

I'm optimistic as fuck about the merge. So many deserving retards are going to rope.

Attached: 1550453215690.jpg (450x418, 58.59K)

that is one HOT asian woman WOW.. MAMA MIA