How much does it cost to raise a family with a loving stay a home tomboy wife and 1-2 healthy children?
How much does it cost to raise a family with a loving stay a home tomboy wife and 1-2 healthy children?
Bros what does it feel like to be loved
please delete this
why is this board obsessing over this gay webm in particular?
no idea but according to normies here is "overrated"
our prices wont be beat
That is obviously a trap gf with a bussy
around 600 to 700 a week just for food
nobody can afford this
I can’t tell if these are serious anymore
>m-maybe other men won't hit on her if she has an ugly haircut
You'll still get cucked buddy boyo
$1500/mo for kid
$3000/mo for wife
$2500/mo for you
$100k/year after taxes
So unless you make $180-200k/year you’re not having a a trad comfy middle class family
A loving tomboy wife would be low cost per month through
Short hair on women is gross, get help.
realistically around $500/week but if you're going to feed them this poison you're better off not doing the family thing at all
I'm glad you saved my tomboy webm bro
Americans deserve to starve if they eat this shite
No amount of money will buy you that OP.
You watch way too much anime and romantic comedies.
there are feminine short haircuts and some women can pull it off
You're better off getting a script for narcotics and just dog women who are dependent on the drugs.
They will do almost anything you ask,I used to hang the pill bottle over this one girl's head and sing the song "I got your whole world, in my hands, i got your whole wide world in my hands".
Raising kids doesn't have to be that expensive. You can get them secondhand/discount clothing until they're old enough to care about it. They only eat a little bit and even then they like basic food like chicken nuggets. If you don't spoil them the little things keep them entertained: TV, a few toys, video games.
Daycare and healthcare are the two potential largest costs. I'm wfh and have good insurance so that's covered for the most part. Daycare stops being a cost after they're old enough to go to K-12 school.