it feels like i'm talking to the same 100 80iq people over and over again. i'm legitimately going insane
This board is literally 10x worse than it was back in 2018/2019
Things that destroyed this board
>r*ddit fags from all the gme shit
>Any Forumstards invading Any Forums in 2021 and buying the top of schizo coins (link, xrp, xmr, icp) while posting off-topic Any Forums threads every day
>Lazy tranny jannies allowing certain rule breaking threads (marketing, off-topic shitpost etc.) to stay up
>Bagholder cults forming on Any Forums with the same threads every single day
>Marketing firms, tg, twitter, r*ddit, discord using Any Forums to shill their scams
>Influx from normalniggers from different well known sites
Any Forums is dead and will never come back. Not saying you can't make any monye anymore with Any Forums just saying that the core of Any Forums is dead and that its identity has and will change to a board you won't recognize in the future.
most of biz replies are bots
sometimes biz "bans IP ranges"
but theyre actually only allowing bot generated threads and seeing how many of us fleshies respong
I discovered Any Forums in Feb 2021 when I bought my first DOGE lol. I took some bad advice here though and bought another coin called Howl Fi which dumped. But now I'm enjoying my SHIB gains and can't wait to be rich next year.
I was here in 2017 and barely feel a difference.
there are 3 real people who browse this board. 2 of them are jannies
I feel as though the amount of basedjack/pol posters has vastle increased (once again) in the past few months
/news/ is also more cancerous than it already was. Its literally only low IQ retards playing political console wars now
everything always only gets worse doesnt it
I dont get howthis is related to my post senpai
Biz completely missed NFTs. That should be all the evidence you need that it's irrelevant now.
Any Forums was the first one to point out how retarded they were, before everyone else started laughing at them
do you know a better business community?
You might not like it, but this is how you meet assblasster. Hang in there.
I know op.
I figured out why:
Polcels who migrated in the bullrun. Unlike normies, they basically never leave once they arrive. Now they shit up the board whole bagholding
If you aren't fudding these homos what are you doing with your life I ask you.
this board was always swarmed with Any Forumstards, their number actually seems to have decreased recently, i think because they keep exposing themselves as retards
yes, it is
but it shouldn't bother you because any of us that have been around that long should be too wealthy to care much about the quality of a Any Forums board
yes it has been, but for example the wojaks were usually used ironically or as shitposts, which sucked, but it was somewhat understandable
now I see people posting the most retarded wojaks and used as if its somehow a valid counterargument
although Any Forums was fucked hard when they locked those pleddit boards and they all came here. I think traffic tripled for a few days because of all the redditards
Maybe the difference was there were more non polcels here before to outnumber them and tell them to “fuck off back to pol” which was a phrase i saw here constantly in 2018.
this board is literally 10x sussier than it was back in 2021 no cap
it feels like i'm deadass talking to the same 100 80iq people over and over again. i'm legit going insane, fr
>wojaks were usually used ironically or as shitposts
>now I see people posting the most retarded wojaks and used as if its somehow a valid counterargument
lol no, they were always used unironically, you just gave it the benefit of the doubt back then and thought it was trolling.
you think it was trolling when ETH dumped in 2017 and the entire board got top to bottom covered in pink wojacks?