How do you calculate a woman's worth on the OTC dating market?
How do you calculate a woman's worth on the OTC dating market?
Imagine your dick is between their mouths.
They kiss each other because they know kissing an baove average young white woman is only achievable for small % of world population and they want to show everyone they are part of that small percentage
v = 0 + (n * -1)
This is the perfect summation of why women are inferior to men.
They’re easily manipulated and they’re a slave to emotion. They also crave attention more than they crave a strong moral center.
These two writhing around like serpents in front of a camera is the epitome of selfishness and vice.
where v = value, & n = sexual partners
>These two writhing around like serpents in front of a camera is the epitome of selfishness and vice.
based and true
but i'm beta af so if these girls were near me i'd freeze up and act awkward and nervous
you gay nigga
I'd like to offer
v = ((2^n)*-1)
It gets way worse with more partners.
Kindly check out the study attached
Really ? They look alright but they're nothing special.
You nigger nigga
I'm laughing at the formulas.
can we get one that more accurately displays the curve just posted. Approached 0 at 28 and then goes negative, maybe account for some child birth providing value.
my gal is like this, nothing i can do to stop it. she just unknowingly flirts and craves attention. if i leave her for more than a few days she will just fucking hug all her boy frens, she even keeps close contact ti weekly chats with two or three of her ex bfs. theres litterally nothing i or she can do to stop it. i love her too much and she loves me but shits fucking whack yo
please be bait
leo knows this
>girls kissing each other attention
Thats so fucking 2001, the Jew's have moved on with their propaganda now and the only way retarded white bitches can get attention is by fucking animals, especially dogs and niggers.
Letting women even speak outside the home has proven disastrous for mankind
Age and bodycount
You never even a held hands with a woman in your life incel, never mind actually kissing an actual female. But yeah nice bait moron.
>v = 0 + (n * -1)
this is the same as
or am i missing something
let's not jump to conclusions. first of all we need to identify the relevant variants. also i'm assuming that the value is the long-term dating/marrying potential, not the best ons.
>body count is definitely of variable, since it impairs the bonding capacity
>age is a variable, since women age like wine
what else?
young attractive women owe me unprotected hardcore sex on command