WWE commentator quoting Ocarina of TIme

>"The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days."

Just watched Cody vs Rollins and the commentator quoted Ocarina of Time verbatim minus the sentence in the middle. Is this Cody's creative input that he wanted? I know he is a Zelda mark. Or has Vince been playing Ocarina of Time?

Attached: Cody-Rhodes-Seth-Rollins-WrestleMania-38-645x370.jpg (645x370, 52.49K)

>the one winged angel seeks to take flight

lmao based Cody basically grabbing Vince by the balls with his creative control. He really is the biggest carny in the modern era.

ocarina of time was a good game desu. not greatest of all time nintendo babby shit but a legit good game that people should play

idk whos idea that wad but based

Ganondorf is the one and only pajeet who ever drew dimes.

>Is this Cody's creative input that he wanted?

the only good zelda is botw


Im pretty sure the Gerudo is based off Arabs/Persians

nah it was vince's idea, he's an ocarinachad

Majora's Mask is easily the best

No but BOTW is top 5 easy despite what Any Forumsirgins seething and sucking Aonuma's cock

>reddit the thread
Go fucking back

Boy I sure do love korok seeds

Yeah they're pretty fun

What does this thread have to do with Reddit?

Was it Corey Graves? I could see him doing something like that

My Ex-Girlfriend Loved Zelda. I even helped her dress as sheik last haloween. Ever since we broke up, i fucking can't stand Zelda anymore. It just hurts bros. Anyone else know this feel?

Attached: Screenshot (14).png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

I knew that feel for certain bands, until I realized I was being a faggot and I liked the bands before associating them with her. Assuming you liked Zelda before fucking her, break the conditioning.

I only know Michael Cole and it wasn't him. Was one of the others. It is right before Cody and Seth lock up.

The jewtube channels only showed parts of his entrance. GIMME THE WHOLE THING

>muh video game references

>boomers pretending they like an ancient game with shit graphics
kys or play modern games

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Yea this is a wrestling board so we talk about stuff that happens on the wrestling shows.