I've started DCA-ing into 50% LINK, 20% XMR, 20% LTC, 10% METIS. What am I in for?
Am I going to make it?
Fren... don't fall for the LINK shills. Everyone here loves that coin because it made them rich. However it already had its moon run. It's over. Soon people will realize the token isn't even needed.
osaka is so cute bros i love her so much
I'm not in a hurry desu I can DCA for years. I've read about Link's upcoming tech, and I think it's price has a ton of potential.
XMR abd LTC because privacy will become more valuable with increased regulation, and also they are both already used to pay for real goods and services. LTC also has shown that it can pump hard in the past.
Metis is an eth L2 and a bit of a gamble, but it has interesting tech, no more VC unlocks, so who knows.
>However it already had its moon run.
Why are paid pajeets so easy to identify?
Better quality. This is the original resolution, it seems.
No ETH? No MATIC? You really need to get your priorities straight user or you're NGMI I'm afraid.
DCA is normie cope because they don't want to put in time and effort to study. Diversification is a boomer meme because for them all shit went up as well as big money meme because 10% up makes them millions. You are ngmi my friend but you may be easing your children to make it. If you want to dca make it like savings but just for btc or eth which is separate from your investing funds.
That second last panel would have been perfect for her to drop a
rather than
>eh? what?
or maybe
>eh? nandeyanen
or two panels where the first is the same but with just
but then the second she looks at yukari and drops the
If anything, I wanna diversify more. Trying to time the market while going all in into 2 projects is what I did at first, and I've learned my lesson.
You don't have a layer 1. Reduce Link and Matis allocations and pick 1-2 layer 1s to add. Avax, Eth, Dot, Ada, ICP, Hbar, Aleph Zero etc, pick a couple.
That's a fair point. My issue with many of those L1s is that they're far more centralized than they pretend to be (this will soon include eth), so I feel like I may as well get BNB since at least they're honest about what the chain is, and what it isn't. And then also msybe ROSE?
I'll have to look into it more.
Maybe on xmr I think those other shitcoins are DOA tho
No eth
>50% LINK
fuck no
>no $shinja anywhere to be seen
No user, you won't make it. Also what the fuck is METIS even
He already has XMR bro you only need one (1) shitcoin in your folio any more than that and it's too much