Coinmetro - innovation powered by removing the ability to sell

Coinmetro - innovation powered by removing the ability to sell.

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are you annoyed now? not shilling XCM anymore? kek pathetic little bagholder

its funny but im in talks with my legal team regarding this coin. 80k sunk in at 20c and now im being told i cant sell... we'll see how this plays out lol


also nice job with the new exchange everyone seems to hate it bet oliver is drinking himself to death now

This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed Any Forums for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless Any Forums anons.
Thank you for your attention.

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>not shilling XCM anymore?

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kek, fuck coinmetro man, I pulled all my shit off their platform obviously except my XCM GARBAGE coin, as soon as I can sell (if I can ever sell lmao who wants this shitty token after this debacle) I'm out and never touching coinmetro again


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checked and rekt

wrong thread buddy, this is xcm thread, not kda

We are hired by the same marketing agency.

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give me a link, i kinda need some extra money rn

i tried that but they scanned my hard drive and didn't find any blacked porn so they waved me away

Just send them a screenshot of your internet history and you should be fine.

I thought they already had it?

Nobody is silly enough to browse Any Forums without Tails OS and seven proxies.

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but its gonna be full of erp with femboys

Just post the screenshot here and I will give you a good reference if you are good at ERP.

im bad at it

I bought my pass with USDC on my ethereum address that has my full name ENS token that I transferred directly from Coinbase (before I got banned of course).
I also disabled adblocker, spoofed my useragent to be my full name and address so it's saved in every single thing I do, and post about committing *** *****, ****** ******** and ******** *******.

you never had any XCM, post wallet

Sorry [candidate name here] We have decided to go with other candidates. We wish you good luck in your future endeavors.


Sent from my iPhone

Have the feds sent you a free AK yet?

Don't need an AK to commit *** ***** or **** ******** (** ******).
I might need one to ***** ******* (** *********).

Nonody is good at first user. If you need practice you are in the right thread.