How do you cure depression?

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ketamine treatments, now go google it and never post this shit again nigger

It's hard but force yourself to do something different, stop looking at screens, get exercise, eat better, socialize. If it's too much at once, start small with something like brushing your teeth everyday and showering daily until you're able to move on to something more involved like going on walks outside, then keep doing it.

get your dick wet

Idk how to cure it, but I do know how to get depression. just buy BSV

We need to analyse what your day to day life looks OP. We’re tryna help you so take this serious.

You just decide not to be depressed

Im not even joking

You may have low testosterone or youre a faggot

Make a shit load of money. Worked for me.

Hookers and blow

Seriously OP all you need to do is stop being a faggot

Become a man, your meek retard parents and your disney movies obviously did not educate you well

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You literally just need action, of any sort. Get any ball moving. Progress is intrinsic to human nature.


Make lots of White babies.

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Before you regret it, before you do something you will regret forever in your life, buy some DEO, just do it
you will thank me in a couple of months

it can't be cured. Can you cure happiness?

You cant be happy forever, you most certainly can be depressed forever.

Escorts and exercise fixed my lifelong depression

If you smoke weed. Stop. It helps so much more than you first thing. First week or two are shit because all you think about is smoking up in the evenings or whatever but if you stick to it the energy and drive you get afterwards is so lovely.

Vitamim d3 and zinc

what if im black

you hang out with my girl friend and realize depression is for loser