So is this guy going to start seizing the bank accounts and investments of everyone who didn't vote for him? He quite literally just declared all Trump voters as extremist terrorists, which means everyone is now subject to terrorist financing laws that let the government arbitrarily seize your assets. What are my options here? Metals and crypto?
His administration would probably love to do something like that. Luckily for us they are too incompetent to pull that off.
They are clowns. No one is taking them seriously
Ian Thompson
He's a lame duck and his real approval ratings are probably barely above 30. The midterms haven't even happened yet. The Democrats are toothless and can't cheat in 435 Comgressional districts.
I think the Democrats are headed for an historic defeat in November
Christian Walker
considering I used to be pretty dialed into politics, checking out entirely has made dumb shit like this pretty amusing when it filters through to this board. it must be an absolute hellscape out there in normie world