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>financially speaking, do you think most people can be trusted?
Your country(optional)
No, people here are snakes
im a taco i second this, latam fags are all vipers waiting for profit
No, people are mentally retarded
Did you know 99% of people are below 120 IQ?
This is the same IQ of a bathtub streamer on twitch or any sub-human obedient faggot on twitter
Theres a reason the vast majority is poor, they literally are demons
Dont trust anyone, even the smart ones dont have any reasons to not fuck you over at the first chance they get
How come were all from south america, this board really is a cesspool
Some guys are good, will stick their necks out for you. Some would kill you with their hands if it means some money for drugs, it depends really. Thanks to my friends i found out about crypto, started investing first on DEO and then moved up from there to XOR savings, so i have to thank them for the 6 figs i own right now
But, funnily enough some of my so called friends almost robbed me because they thought that money wasn't "earned righty"
Its over
i want to guess only latamfags entered here
oh fuck it really is over
im from burgerland, and 75% of the people is good, plainly like that
we were tricked
i dont know
Gm, that's cool! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have u tried Yopi Network?
>Earn while u spend crypto in daily transactions
>Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
>No team tokens
>Few big partnerships coming up
Depends. Going to the religious part, you'll get honest people even they don't make more than $30 monthly, most of the time offers you things that could've benefit them more than you need. In the hedonistic cities however, they're crocodiles, especially when you look foreign.
Kill yourself pajeet
>no. indians cant be trusted.
Nobody in any country should be trusted.
Think of one thing and you'll know if someone is truly your friend. Would your friend look the other way if you committed a crime? Would your friend rat on you if put under pressure by the law? If you answer no to the first, and/or yes to the second, they can't be trusted.
>In general yes, but there are a lot of assholes, poorfags, druggies, etc
Anybody that says most people are trustworthy is a fool. Too many people run their mouths, snitch, play mind games, etc.
Even people you deem your friends are probably untrustworthy, or at minimum, they are incompetent and would probably fail you in a desperate situation.
>Yes (we have extremely high social trust)