Hey man I heard you were hosting an event next month lots of vip going huh

>hey man I heard you were hosting an event next month lots of vip going huh
>um yeah
>.....i didnt get an invite....... you should come to the ranch so we can discuss it
>uhh.... yeah makes sense

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what exactly was i saying before you lost me?

What's with the fucking beards. I'm so sick of this beta male cope. Unless you're an alpha they just look so try hard. Yet everywhere you look there are just beards.
>do I look tough?
>do I look like a might have a chin?
>do I look like different?
NO./ NO you stupid fucks

cope seethe beardlet

that’s an angry beardlet pedophile

Sergey was reciting from the Book of Truth when the audio faded. He asked the moderator, a feeble weasel of a faggot called Crypto Mew Two, what verse he was reciting and Mew Two stuttered like a RETARD claiming listeners had heard the verse before and reciting from the Book of Truth resulted in no price action.


The ceremony had to be halted and the digital fibres were cleansed by high order cultists from the Seventy-Seventh Truth Legion. They performed the Ritual of Fair Sequencing Service on Sergey's modern router and the conduit for Truth was blessed again.

Heil Sergey!!!

Praise Truth!!!

Shame the sinner CryptoMewTwo!!!

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Sergey expressed faux-surprise at seeing His visage displayed by the many faithful followers at the Holy Space. Akin to the Mithranic doctrine "Mithras is my only Crown", We are all Sergey is a tried and true practice of stripping one's identity away so that only the Leader remains and it is in the Leader's name we shall act. For His words shall be our words and by His words alone we may speak.


DeFi is filled with deceitful sinners and We (Us) are the only way forward.

As part of the Seventy Seventh Legion of Truth it was an honor and a privilege to serve you today Sergey by cleansing your Modem Router in the name of Truth .

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>starts talking about dext
>gets mauled to death
i can see this happening

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if its by that ugly face i wouldn't mind it

i prefer the bear

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Half of them don't even take care of their beards anyway, they just let them grow and look like hobos

Oh totally, male grooming has lost style over the years

Its because cultural marxism has made everyone want to look like him, almost unconsciously

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Has there been any answer to the "Cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory? I'm really tired of seeing it popping up in debates and conversations of even educated people, and they never answer any of the points

I remember that one point, those one the political left sympathetic to Antonio Gramsci sometimes referred to themselves as "Cultural Marxists" in a positive way, to distinguish themselves from Orthodox Marxism (which is focused on economics), whereas Gramsci was interested in things like cultural hegemony. It went out of hand when "Cultural Marxism" conflated Gramsci with the Frankfurter Schule and started to become a term of abuse.

I think it started with a right-wing Norwegian blogger by the name of Fjordman. There may have been antecedents, although I remember that he started using "Cultural Marxist" as a term of abuse. And indeed, it mostly targeted the Frankfurter Schule and those influenced by them.

At any, I don't believe "Cultural Marxism" is currently considered a serious term in political or cultural philosophy. And for that matter, I don't think it ever was taken seriously.

>"everything I don't like is communism" isn't a valid philosophical standpoint
chuds on suicide watch

>Uh yeh sorry please contact ChainlinkGod on twitter he handles all my personal affainow

Chica is way better

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there's not much to talk about lmao
it's just another tool to make us richer.

beardlet detected
seethe more and dilate

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You're entirely correct, it was always a misused nonsensical term, and it just acted as a telltale on who's an american leftist instead of a communist during online discourse.

But I think it was mostly used by american liberals trying to hurt the opposition.

hey Charles, where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now. Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) have more than 37,000? Why are you letting Polygon smoke you like that Charles?

"Cultural Marxism" is a very appropriate term for things like identity politics, intersectionalism, etc.

You guys are so cringe. If course Sergey invited the founder of one of the most widely used crypto currencies there is. Charles rightfully declined his invitation and refuses to be associated with a project like THAT. There's word that Sergey was even offering to post Charles. I could only imagine the secondhand embarrassment Charles felt for Sergey.