Why are saws people so highly paid? I’m a fucking door to door salesman and have made 400k this year. It’s so retarded. Why don’t more people know about or do this?
Why are saws people so highly paid? I’m a fucking door to door salesman and have made 400k this year...
tf are you selling crack
wtf kinds of saws are you selling?
Solar panels lol
>door to door salesman
You bother people for a living you parasite
Solar panel salesmen do not make 400k a year you filthy fucking climate change WEF kike. This shit did make money like 10 years ago when solar panels came out. now everyone knows it’s a scam that only benefits the electrical companies
1) all sales, especially cold call and door to door, is a pyramid scheme. You only make money if you’re in the game early selling the JOB, not the gay ass product. Notice that every asshole that goes around saying “I made $400k last year selling solar panels, and so can YOU!!” is at that very moment, not going out selling solar panels, but rather recording a video about how you should be selling solar panels.
2) a job where I walk from door to door, knocking and, occasionally, having a conversation with a stranger, is literally my idea of hell. I’d rather suck dicks for a living. I’d rather sell heroin to children.
Nah bro. Bank finances it. Installer gets all the money. Sends out a whole spectrum of salesman. Retards to pros. Throw shit at the wall see what sticks. Get a new roof, increase 'value' of home, sell electricity to grid. Its all a scam but it works for now. There's Ag in those panels.
The closer you are to the source of profit making within a business the more you will be paid to secure that profit
Just get a job where you are the one making money for the business and not in a unsexy area, its that easy
We’ll that just what I’ve been paid. I’m waiting for some more jobs to get installed and the year isn’t over. I’m also one of the best in my company
If I post last months pay stubs you have to come work for me.
Post last months pay stubs, and the invoices that resulted in the commission for those pay stubs, and the actual literal work YOU did for a check to be sent to pay those invoices.
And if any of that work involved previously knowing a person, having a connection, talking to a stranger, making a cash investment in anything, or conning some retarded faggots into doing any of the above, then YOU have to shove a dinner plate up your ass without it breaking.
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It’s door to door so of course everyone is initially a stranger
Aaaand OP will never post again since he just got eternally BTFO to another multiverse
Did you mean to say sales people? Lmfao
What company are you working for?
Nice larp faggot no door to door sales fag has ever made more than 100k
Sunrun. Biggest solar company in the nation!!!
It's momentum solar they're in az and FL mainly
How many doors are you knocking a week? How many sales do you close? What are the terms per sale and how long have you worked as a salesman?
Nice try
This is a larp thread to try to recruit suckers to knock doors for them. The turnover is high because it's a bullshit job
Did you work for a solar company and it didn’t pan out?
I remember getting suckered into a job recruitment place by a solar company, they were late to the interview, jokes on them I looked inside their place was literally one desk and two chairs and nothing else.
Total bullshit shell company pyramid scam shit.
No I'm not that stupid lol but I know the guys who run it and they're super dbags
What was the company name? I know there are a ton of bullshit ones
I just looked them up and it says online they operate in 10 states. Those guys have to have a 8 figure net worth
7 until they go to prison
They are number 4 on Forbes list if you google top solar company. How would they go to jail for doing what boils down to a construction project
Do you recommend people to evade recruitment altogether and go instead themselves to their companies of choice? How would you go about creating your own business from scratch in this day and age, do you think that's a good idea?
Honestly I'll take all the tips I can get.
So you are telling me, two weeks ago, from strangers you knocked on the door, you received commission payments of nearly $60k. Based on 50% of gross margin of sales? Which is, what, 20%? So $600k in sales? That’s like 30 household systems.
You’re telling me that 30 people, just that week, signed on the dotted line?
You’re a lying faggot. Dinner plate, timestamp, let’s go.
The Forbes ranking was bought as most of them are. They are doing some really shady stuff that's starting to catch up to them. You seem a little too interested :)
I recommend not working for a scam company and most things you have to sell door to door are a scam
Recruitment is fine. If you pick a random solar company to work for you’ll start in the same spot. Starting your own shop pretty much means you become a broker who gets deals and subcontracts out the work. I feel like just selling for a good company is the best of both worlds. No admin work, pay is still incredible, and all I have to do it sell.