What's stopping the coin you're holding from being deleted at the push of a button?
What's stopping the coin you're holding from being deleted at the push of a button?
Charles Hoskinson
Same thing that's stopping your bank from doing it
Seems like bad odds.
Don't hire women or ethnics
Me running my Monero node and mining. Multiple devs reviewing the added code, testing on testnet and stagenet for months before the real update reaches my node. Not being a buzzword VC scam scheme also definitely helps.
not being a solana
Not investing in stuttering potheads
because that coin was on Solana, the most centralized chain on the market where devs can do whatever the fuck they want
BitDAO is completely decentralized. devs cant simply go around deleting shit
That's why you invest on projects that are actually solid, founded and supported by solid names in the industry
Internet computer baby
most coins, defi ones, can't be deleted like so
Invest in defi, simple as
Wasn't all of ths, crypto, nfts, everything, made specially to prevent shit like this happening?
if i were and investor i would seriously hunt down and kill that dude
>We sincerely apologize but all of your bags are for nothing, we have no project and the coin no longer exists. There is nothing to do and you can all go suck a big fat, liquidated, cock
Hell yea
>Same thing that's stopping your bank from doing it
You know that your bank can literally write a number on a computer and tell you that this is money now?
My entire and sublime dedication to deo, also the fear of hanging myself for having lost everything in fucking nfts lmao
>now the random number on the screen can hurt you
At least you support independent artists