Babe wake up new binance just dropped

babe wake up new binance just dropped

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>nothing but DEX pairs (which are mostly shitcoins)
>no leverage trading

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im so fucking glad we moved from the "total yellow screen of death" that calcinated your eyes on sight

didn't they just announce levarage trading? and besides, they have all the ETH and DEX pairs
literally both functioning coins, why do you faggots still want to keep the BSC pairs alive when they are either shitcoins or dying coins
or both

I'm in the crypto world since few months but if I learned something is that the main problem of Cryptos is binance
it's blocking out every defi exchange from growing

checked, binance was a mistake

I hold a decent percentage of my portfolio on Binance& fear for the day i need to withdraw it. I plan on doing it soon& hope everything goes smoothly. Ive read too many horror stories with Binance freezing withdrawls& it has me nervous not going to lie

Hey babe? Yeah, you saw this shit? They actually did update it. Yeah i will be home late, i need to deposit some tokens, shouldn't take long

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that's the redpill way of crypto

I used Etoro for stocks and I read so many reviews about them not allowing users to withdraw. Turns out, none of these people were verified, they just threw money in and ignored the warnings and emails they were sent about this. Then they complain online about the money being stuck, yeah, no shit it's stuck. I work as support, most users are completely oblivious and binance does this regularly

That's a bull's anus you are showing there user why is there a cat in a bull's anus

>based statement
>degenerate png
your name is literally moishe, right

its keith actually

>free ass
feed me, waltuh...

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unironically, this shit would only be a couple of years away from replacing binance, just for the sake of convenience kek

people are still using google chrome even though there are now much better options, it will take even longer, people are afraid of changes.

The human being is a changeable being, all the time he changes his mind or tastes
It's about people more than time

philosophical user

I did that and she broke up with me, apparently, women don't like it when you cancel dates after they've done their makeup.

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Actually, it's morshu

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The trick is arriving home with one of these

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Waltuh... waltuh
put your dext away waltuh
im not trading with you right now waltuh

kid named okbc infiltrated even biz and no place is safe now

Even more curry, "keith" just screams "i am america, i am america, that's why my name is cool america name" or something like that
face it, you have curry in your blood, that's just who you are

im on the winning side then

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to be honest most people already use dextools op, just for the sheer efficiency of doing literally everything there
Chinknance lived its cicle and people still use it for convenience, once they know the benefits they will switch right away