Playing clover for the first time

How does the exp system works?
If I lead with a strong pokemon but have a bunch of low levels in my party, do the party get normal amount of exp or do they get nerfed amount because of my lead's level?
What's a good HM slave?
How do I wake up the poops? I'm at beehive.
Rate my team.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>do they get nerfed amount because of my lead's level?
Its 50% the exp had they knocked out the enemy mon themselves
>What's a good HM slave
Vandash, they're on the route right after rock tunnel
>How do I wake up the poops
Don't worry about this until the routes after you beat the gym leader in beehive
>Rate my team
Very ground weak, and you'll want to add a sixth member soon as the game is going to undergo a difficulty spike. I recommend something like Baitmaster to cover two types you don't have yet.. Otherwise fine.

Oh, forgot Kuklan gets levitate. Still would rec baitmaster

wait does clover have EXP. All?
is that because it's harder than any official game?

It has exp all because the game has level caps and thus you can't overlevel with it like with the main games.

>Does clover have exp all?
>Is that because it's harder than any official game?
And to encourage using a variety of teams depending on who you go against. Most 'boss' trainers have competitive teams after the second gym, and EV and IV trained teams after...I think the sixth. Your toxiraptor might be fantastic against a trainer like Snoop, but against Freddy it would be nothing but a liability.

I was looking for a water type for my team, tho I usually a lot of them around as I need.

Wait, so the game expects you to change teams and EV train? Isn't that a bit much? I would expect one or the other, not both.

Also, does the game have any quality of life EV training features? Because of my grind to evolve all new pokes I come across, my EVs are probably all fucked.

>tho I usually swap* a lot of them around as I need

You don't need to actually EV train until after the E4, when you're given tools to easily do so. In the postgame, you're given access to a place that has encounters that don't fight and give you max EVs in one stat, a place to grind your levels, and buy EV reducing berries. It's also the island that has a proper breeding facility, and nearby you can get a breedmon that has perfect IVs, and you can get a destiny knot too.

You will, however, likely need to adjust your team for various encounters prior to the postgame. The battle house in triport will have four trainers with theme teams, each of whom will not give you money or take money, and will have levels that scale with your gym badges.

>How does the exp system works?
Exp works like gen 5, but with the gen 6+ Exp share. Weaker mons get more Exp and stronger mons get less.
Whenever a mon is the same level as the next gym leader, it gets less Exp. for each level it goes over.
>If I lead with a strong pokemon but have a bunch of low levels in my party, do the party get normal amount of exp or do they get nerfed amount because of my lead's level?
No. Your weaker mons still get a lot more.
>What's a good HM slave?
Vandash learns literally every HM move.
>How do I wake up the poops? I'm at beehive.
You'll get there when you get there. Don't worry.
>Rate my team.
Pretty good, although you might want a full team.
Wait, so the game expects you to change teams and EV train? Isn't that a bit much? I would expect one or the other, not both.
The game doesn't really expect you to EV train before the postgame. EV training makes things a little too easy, imho.
>Also, does the game have any quality of life EV training features? Because of my grind to evolve all new pokes I come across, my EVs are probably all fucked.
The QOL EV training is added in the postgame.

You don't need to do EV training and team swapping, EV training will make you strong enough to brute force through basically everything.

This is Clover's most major flaw, you dont get good QoL for EVs until postgame, EV training before postgame is incredibly tedious and shitty. I would recommend just playing through until you meet a boss that stonewalls you and train up a Pokemon or two that could help you out as needed. Your team is strong enough for now that I don't foresee any major obstacles for the immediate future.

You also can use PKHex with Clover (just use it for EVs only and don't touch anything else if you do)

Sounds good, thanks for the replies. In case I want to EV train one or two of my favs, is there any list of which mons give which EV?

Other than that, that's all I have to ask. Having tons of fun. This is actually the best romhack I've ever played by far, most of the fakemons are pretty well designed and the movesets they learn are satisfying and full of options. I only wish the VS seeker was in because I'm struggling a lot with money, having to rely on pickup full teams nuggets.

>playing clover for the first time
play something better

there used to be a proper wiki, but this has all the info on mons.

>is there any list of which mons give which EV?

check under the pastabins

name ONE romhack that even comes close to Clover's brilliance. you can't.

Radical Red

Is this the clover thread? Ok then does anyone know of a sane way to get more monster balls? Trying to catch shiny clovenix in one


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>Radical reddit

Big yikes