Oh no no no no, its over cryptobros

Oh no no no no, its over cryptobros.

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two more weeks... ALSO earths magnetic field exists... soo nothing burger.

if something like that hit or moon mars, you'd be almost fucked. assuming the equipment doesn't have proper radiation protection.

>believes theres a spinning giant fire ball in the "space"

Cope space is fake

i'd be worried if i was on space station, or had some expensive satellites but even those things are relatively protected.

it takes 8.3 minutes for the energy from the sun to get to earth. if the sun blew up we'd have 8.3 minutes to leave the earth. humans are doomed if you think about it, unless we invent teleportation, or some sort of shielding technology we'd be wiped out of existence. space programs are important kids, but not this gay liberal space shit we have today, we need Nazi level innovation.

scientards will believe whatever their priests tells them.

Gentle reminder that theories are not true, that's why it's called the big bang THEORY and the THEORY of evolution they are not LAW.

priced in

not impressed
wake me up when the sun develops an ultra omega 69 class field with ZZZ++-class solar flares

Remember that story of the solar observatory that was shut down, Blackhawk helicopters flew in, soldiers took over... And the official story was that it was over a janitors CP collection.... Yeah i still remember how fishy that was

so from what i've read, the official information anyways, it's not expected to cause any harm except for satellite damage and maybe minor damage to some power grids. if it goes off at all but thats like a 5% chance. assuming all that is accurate and truthful anyways. i read a forbes article so, mainstream media, grain of salt and all that.

us government is now acknowledging that UFOs may be not-man made

Oh no not a DELTA magnetic field! >:-0

We have about 23 years left until the Micronova event happens, meanwhile the Earths magnetic field is getting weaker and a CME that can take out all electronics is becoming more likely every day.
The Micronova is what "Climate Change" is really about and its also the reason for the fake "Corona" virus (Corona as in the Suns Corona) and the "Great Reset".

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can someone find an official nasa link on this? so we're not reading about this through the lens of mainstream media journos? not that nasa couldn't be lying but it would be one less liar to worry about.

any data to back this up? obviously i'm not expecting the corrupted science journals to say anything about it. but you have to basing this theory on something?

you can start here

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I hear the Omnicron magnetic field is 100x more magnetic and the earth’s natural defenses can’t protect it

Pfizer is teaming up with Elon to send a giant magnetic vaccine into space to protect us

actually one of their plan was "stabilizing" the earths magnetic field using the CERN, so far it failed to produce any results.
the pole flip is still accelerating.
another plan was "blocking out" the sun, you probably heard about this before.
thats of course also a failure.

nasa is quoted n the article but I can't find a link. the conspiracy is that NASA is in with the CIA to stop people from learning about solar novae and the solar cycle.

anything that can't be summed up in 10 minutes is a scam

tl;dr we are fucked.

and if you cant even sit through ~90 minutes of hard evidence then you are probably not going to survive it.

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sunk cost fallacy and cognitive dissonance. if you have a far out theory you can't prove but you want believers you make a really long video. the people who watch to the end are now dedicated to believing it simply so they feel like they didn't waste their time and attention. its a classic technique for building up a cult.

if it was real, and hard evidence, you could give a summery in 10 minutes that would wet the appetite for additional information.

there are a million far out claims with a million hour long videos nobody has time to watch them out. and until i have something more to go on, yours is just another far out claim amongst millions.

are you the same guy who tried to tell me to watch a 3 hour video about interdimensional space worms using negative feelings as energy? you sound like that guy, he linked me a video when i asked for evidence then lambasted me for being unable to sit through it.