>Work is basically just like high school
Why didn't anyone tell me?
>Work is basically just like high school
Why didn't anyone tell me?
work is much easier than school, but youll hate it the same
Wagie huh
thank you goyim, now don't forget to pay SS, state income tax, federal tax, and health insurance on your wages. or you are breaking the law! goy!
they are both indoctrination camps.
"Yes, you can go to lunch now goy, but don't take too long.."
"good dog, wait for the bell to dismiss you"
I wfh and take naps. I turn on zoom for meetings and play a character. No one seems to mind. I dont have a real personality
I feel you
>long commute
>no freedom
>no agency (work for what you perceive to be as an evil entity)
>no balance or rest
The circumstances of your job are enough to make someone hate their job. Have good conditions? That would feel good and you could call that a good job. Have bad conditions?
I would call that a bad job.
I don’t love my job either, but mostly because I have no control or agency. But I’m also young, early in my career, and gaining value other than a wage from this job.
I love my job. I think a change of mentality is in order for most people.For example if you have a long commute download audio books, start doing something "productive" while you go to your job, at least once you finish the day you won't feel that you lost 2/4 hours just "waiting to get there" and you will have more brain stimulation that will make you feel less tired and dead inside. I think a lot of people can change far more than they realize from their jobs and they just choose to not change it at all.
I solved the "low income" problem by investing, right now i make thrice my paycheck from just my vinu bags and investing on futures, and i will triple it once it lists on gate.io because of the massive mooning incoming. Sometimes a job can also be an IRS cover up, remember that pals
i love how you totally derailed there kek
waggie do be wagging tho
what are you working on anons?
Well... modern schools were designed with the production line of the ford industrial system so... yeah, you're spot on
>I love my job
one can eventually be fond of his work, not everything is pure suffering, the human being is a working animal after all
>12hs of work
> poorly paid and only 4 hours of sleep
a well-trained slave is one who is happy to be a slave
Based Pajeet gives sage advice prior to trying to scam you into buying his shitcoin.
Dude, school is not for "learning" it's just a factory to make the perfect worker, think about it
>they make you spend hours in a place you don't like.
>they reward you for being obedient
>they punish you if you do something you enjoy doing
it was all a plan to make more wagies
anyone who didnt skip entire mornings on high school was destined to be a wagie
i just wanted to be smart and have good grades
holy sheet
99% of the population can't learn anything by themselves. Lockdowns proved that most people fall in despair and depression without a boss telling them what to do with their daily lives.
Work and school feel the same because they are designed around the same people, mindless goyslaves.
This. School is garbage.
>all these niggas hating on school for making wagies
>you dont realize school kills your competition and makes wagies for you
This is why you arent part of the financial elite
School is an indoctrination center built on the model of a prison with prison guards to make you forget about freedom and your real inner child and desires to create a depressed aimless wage slave.
I'm 28 and still have nightmares of when I was in school