>check the price
D0b0 rugged
months ago
get over it
Some whale has been dumping his bag all day to FOMO into LUNC lmao.
Still extremely bullish on Dogbat
i mean if you bought this meme coin and now you're losing money then its natural selection lol, because why would you invest your money in zero utilities when you can buy matic, especially since the demand for polygon will increase after the ethereum merge
Gm ser, how was your poo in the street today
Don't care still in profit
Lmao. Fuck matic. Pulsechain will merk that piece of shit.
It's not profit until you sell
He bought in with almost $1M into dogbat proceeded to lose 90% of his stack now he dumped at a loss to chase LUNC. I can imagine how fucking desperate he feels but he's 100% running on emotion and is probably going to lose the rest of his money now. Jfc from $1M to 0 in 1 year, I would have killed myself just from the 90% drop.
Ever since it was leaked that there was Israelis on the team I knew this project was going to rugpull. If I have learned anything in crypto pajeets, chinks, jews and slavs are never to be trusted
It's still up 53% from this time last month.
deaubo is blameless and has the price action it intends. 50b eoy, bitch.
do the needful with me what you will, i have already won
It rugged nearly a year ago, why are there still threads made about this dead coin?
Everything else did a 2x from the bottom and the same tired jeets with $4 invested celebrate a 40% move up.
It's gone from funny to sad.
D0br0s? How are we coping with this financial b0nkination? Back to McDonalds™?
I'm just not selling, newfriend.
This faggoty logo is the reason dogbet failed 100%. All ogs know this.
Fake news
The coin that bonk is not joke
The old logo is more representative of the reality on who is the one getting bonked. ;^)
should have bought Bitdao
Lmao got out just in time, thanks for providing me exit liquidity you fucking retards. Now come to LUNC threads, need someone pump my bags a little bit more.
BTC drops to bear market lows
>d0bo failed
You people are GME tourists right?