Ethereum staking is terrible

The biggest crypto event of the year is Ethereum implementing a shitty version of something other chains are doing much better already.

>bonding period
>no liquid staking, funds have to be locked up
>accept counter-party risk unless you have 32 ETH
>stake can be subject to slashing

People getting excited about this is just proof that the space is full of people that have no clue what they are actually holding.
How is ETH supposed to succeed with tech like that?

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Everything that is working right now, it's working with ethereum. Even memecoins are working with ethereum because it's doing everything right. The big crypto question about "what problem is it solving?" got answered after vitalik launched 2.0. VINU for example, a shitty, retarded memecoin is going up just because they constructed everything around ETH.
Ask yourself, why is everybody on biz talking nonstop about Vitalik since two weeks ago?

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basedin butterin is the best ceo that's why

cockerin cockerino

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honestly i don't know why people still try it with BTC


>The big crypto question
the big crypto question was how to replace FIAT currency and we are still not doing anything about it

You need 32 ETH to run your own node. And you get 10%

But if you join a pool because you are poor and dont have 32 ETH to start up your own pool then you only get 4% the pool takes 6% for themselves. HAHAHHAHAHA get fucked.


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>Almost nobody is using cryptocurrencies as currency so skeptics aren't wrong so far
>Do you believe it's really that hard for a country to make crypto-currencies illegal and stop it? now of course you can tell me that with certain crypto you can be totally anonym and hide it but if you can't spend anywhere without raising question, then it's not replacement.
>There are still many security issues with crypto. People don't want to lose their saving without any chance of getting back like people wants most of their saving to be safe, they don't want something that nobody knows whether it will double in price and crash in the next week
>Most of the people on earth don't give a damn about the advantage of crypto: anonymity, decentratrilisation, paying farmers in Zambia with less transfer fee. All of that isn't really a concern so people don't really get the point of crypto
>Nobody has found a way to make crypto scalable.
Like I heard it once in a discussion: crypto solves problem that most of people don't have and therefore it's hard to imagine that people want to deal with all the issues of crypto-currencies for something they don't need.

But people absolutely have a problem. Everything that happens in the world today is tied to some incentive - typically money. And once it becomes incredibly hard to know what is happening with it, bad things happen. I know this is a bit of a vague statement. But quite honestly, don't you think that world would be a better place if we knew that banks simply aren't involved in money launderings or facilitating crimes? But we don't know. Guess what? If you money supply is dictating by some algorithm then it is possible bake into the algorithm rules like that. I know Bitcoin does not function this way. But there are proof-of-concepts around it. People have shown that it is possible.

dude I only see people crying because they missed "the big opportunity" for the fourth time.

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Dogs are better

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It's because shit is expensive, plus it was one of the first and oldest to do it

>missing the opportunity in 2020
>missing the opportunity in 2021
>missing the opportunity in 2022
hope we all continue to do as well for next year

What do you retards who capitalize "FIAT" and "FED" in your rants think those letters stand for?

This bullshit is a long play for esg investment which is the only way for any crypto to step into banker currncy, any crypto that relies on mining isn't going to be rated for esg and will be dead or fudded into oblivion in the next decade. Didn't binamce just release an esg statement recently? The world is a mess.

All these corps and systems bending over backwards to placate environazis is not going to end well for anyone, it's ultimately the problem from gas in Europe to the massively looming global recession.

Civilisation falls because environmentalists can't hack a 1 degree increase in a world where technology will ultimately solve the problem. I hate green cultist and the weak minded or greedy following along. Greed game theory is propelling this green shit when it should of been aborted a long time ago.

gross no. filthy mutt

I'm not selling unless it hits 4500. I'm not staking cuz no 32 eth. If it doesn't hit that price point immediately after the merge I will just hold it for years/decades/centuries/lifetimes