wtf my rentoid just walked away, i even offered to lower the rent from $1750 to $1700 and he still said no thanks
Wtf my rentoid just walked away
what do i do bros? the asshole apartment complex keeps lowering rent, but i bought at the top and cant afford to lower rent. i was relying on rents going up, but now they are going down
>bought a place that rented for $1200 2 years agi
>Bought the tippy top
>Now requires $1700 to cash flow positive
>Why is this happening???
Damn, that's kind of genius if you're an apartment complex owner or bank who got in early.
You can just keep dropping prices until owners who got in at the top capitulate.
Are there real estate whales that actually do this?
Sounds like some great depression shit.
location is in philly btw
But Housing market can never crash. Right guys? Guys?
Just be yourself landchad!
>"your" rentoid
yep, being able to "just walk away" is the one value renters get
where are those rentoids going to walk to? they still need a place to live. right? right?
Look what I found!
more rentoids rather live on the street and do drug instead of pay me rent. The cops really need to start enforcing laws so that there will be more demand for rentals.
he's getting the booster
Holy based
>Damn, that's kind of genius if you're a bank
>You can just keep raising interest rates until owners capitulate.
Cool it with the antisemitism
this is why i laugh when people say landlords are parasites etc.
there is RISK is property. Some people have 10 properties like this, and if they all go negative they are fucked.
muh bailout.
muh foreclosure moratorium
muh cash out refinance
Presumably the apartment complex that is lowering rent
BoA offering no deposit loans to beaners and niggers is the biggest sell signal possible. Just in time to hold the bag
Landlords are parasites