Lunc whale here

I own 224B LUNC- you ain't getting any proof so suck my long cock- and I'm here to tell you: the amount of faggotry that this coin is gathering makes me gag. But that's ok- you are all getting rugpulled. In time. And no, this piece of shit is never going to $1 but it's a convenient catchy phrase to get flies to land on shit.

why am I telling you this? why am I putting my money at jeopardy? Because I hate the entire LUNC community and my ego is commanding me to torment you faggots as much as possible. Once this shit gets rugpulled I will be here laughing.

LUNC $1 EOY WAGMI!!!1 :DDD DD D D D fuck you

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>open shorts
wow you got me

Nice larp. You fags are desperate

>tfw only 7m lunc
Fuck man. I want to make a 10x before it rugpulls.

This is an example of a buy signal.

When the fudders run out of ideas so they have to lie like this, you know shit is about to moon soon

great idea to open them now, bra-vo. idiot
I am the NICEST jew on Any Forumsrael- I am telling you straight up what's going to happen.
you will never know when it happens, I am a control freak and making shit happen on my terms gives me the kicks, sorry
and remember that I DECIDE when the ride ends. that's where the fun's at. my finger is always on the big red button and it's gettin itchier by the day.

>emotional FUD
>no proof lol suck it
>fuck you
You are far to emotional to be a whale or at least you never became one by trading. I’m not worried. I’ll slurp 10 billion the minute you rug. You make bad trades because you emulate Andrew Tate types and fail to consider dynamic angles. Learn.

Which range sounds OK to start shorting this shitty coin?

lol nice larp you fucking nihilist faggot. Your whore mother loves black cock and you will always be poor bitch.

You don't become a whale by trading and my only emotion in this is pure contempt for this fucking community. I hate myself for drumming this up, it was a mistake that can't be compensated by money
there's no fun in giving that away is there? remember that I am only partially motivated by money and my whim is my master so you never know.
okay rajesh, may your village catch a fire you bloody basterd bitch

I just opened a short. I will ready to top it up if my liq price gets close

Lol dude the top 100 holders only have 33% of the supply. Last time I checked the top ten was at 7-9%. This coin is more diversified than any dog coin and more diversified than fucking stinky link.

If you pull, you’ll be buying our bags when it rips back up through your soggy paper hands. We don’t need you.

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triggering a long squeeze on a coin this volatile can be done with one button and I'm sitting on it every day. me and other whales. And you know how it is with those fucking people, it's an endless prisoner's dilemma but the heat is being turned up every day. I am genuinely the nicest guy out there. I tell how it is

I highly doubt it kike, here is the thing with jews. They never risk large sums just for fun. So you are even worse than a kike. You are a nigger pretending to be a kike.
do us a favour broke wagie, stuff yourself in an oven and livestream it ok.
fucking pleb.

Again, please sell. I will buy your faggotry then.

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>I own 224B LUNC- you ain't getting any proof so suck my long cock- and I'm here to tell you: the amount of faggotry that this coin is gathering makes me gag. But that's ok- you are all getting rugpulled. In time. And no, this piece of shit is never going to $1 but it's a convenient catchy phrase to get flies to land on shit.

>why am I telling you this? why am I putting my money at jeopardy? Because I hate the entire LUNC community and my ego is commanding me to torment you faggots as much as possible. Once this shit gets rugpulled I will be here laughing.

>LUNC $1 EOY WAGMI!!!1 :DDD DD D D D fuck you

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in time.
though you look silly with a yolk on your face, I'm even worse than all those options. I am a SLAV pretending to be a KIKE. that's how fucked the general state of affairs is. my whim is your future, goy
this guy gets it

Based, dab on these redditors for me

your whim isn't anyones future faggot. You are just a neckbeard fudding on biz before you go back to simping on onlyfans. Funny really because I could give a fuck about LunaC, but I know a wagie when I see one, and you for sure have the smell. Also Slavs are the lowest form of life on the planet btw, worse than niggers or Arabs. You guys are like the shit stain off of a homeless persons asshole. will in a few short whiles. wouldn't know your hand from your ass, 56percenter
3. last part is correct, no objections.
Cheers, I definitely will.

aight that's all for now enjoy your evening faggots

OP is larping
>t. shorted at .000295

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