I envy people like you. Simply do the opposite of what you think is a good idea. Free money.
Angel Gomez
why does stock related media obfuscate what banks are doing so much in favor of a broad notion of day-by-day investor psychology? is there any news ticker that gives me updates on what the cash flows into and out of assets look like for banks, or is it all hidden?
Zachary Nelson
>3 red weeks in a row I think next week should be green. Fuck you bobo.
John Wilson
Party City will be affected to the upside as people turn to partying to cope with their crippling depression.
Leo Green
Because he's a retarded faggot who isn't fit to lead, so instead he's just a puppet for an intelligence community full of corrupt faggots who also aren't fit to lead (or breathe the same air as actual souled humans).
John Russell
How can anyone call voters of a canditate, anti democratic, VOTERS
Mason Adams
I got greedy and stuck with 9/2 $192 SPY puts at close. Level with me here. What kind of theta decay am I about to eat, and should I just kill myself instead?
>I dont care if its an original work, they clearly meant Lord of the rings in the tweet but didnt bother to type it right, its literally the actual title and they didnt get it right It says lord of the rings: rings of power. What are you even saying? Thats the title.
Also is this bullish or bearish for Amazon? I feel like they wasted 1 billion on this show.
>Interest rates go up, >Whites stop taking out loans >Banks need short term thinkers who can't do math to keep their numbers up >"Fuck it. Blacks and browns don't need a down payment."
Zachary Butler
Lmao and here I though my -52% on gevo was bad
Jace Collins
China better fucking retaliate to this chip sale ban tonight.
Justin Evans
Yes. This is the dumbest thing I have ever done by far. My losses are capped but fuck this lesson is going to sting.
Robert Kelly
BBBY probably
Josiah Sanchez
Is he really going to give a primetime speech denouncing half the country? Something else seems to be at play here, digits and they arrest Trump tonight, trips and the country riots tomorrow
Ryder Gray
Junk Bonds set the pace, once we lose 90 its elevator down time.
Damn user, I feel for you. It's gonna be ok, though. I hope you go for a nice walk or can find some way to take your mind off it.
Sebastian Watson
He already threatened to bomb americans with fighter jets just a few days ago. Something is up.
Wyatt Torres
Did you at any point utter the phrase to yourself "Will SPY drop 200 points by tomorrow?" If it's yes and you answered yes you might have brain damage.
Camden Brooks
is that a leading indicator that works
Nathan Adams
How does a retard come across this much money? I hope this wasn't an inheritance.